Sweet Treats–

Maybe if we all chant “SPRING-SPRING-SPRING” together something sunny and warm will happen…I don’t know. We’ve got snow out our window right now. Big, fluffy flakes everywhere. It couldn’t hurt…

We’re having an Easter Giveaway to prompt old Mother Nature to nudge Spring just a bit closer.

So, we gathered…and hunted…and came up with some stuff to fill your basket.

It includes:

Wilton Easter Cookie Cutters

Easter Cupcake papers

Fillable Easter eggs

Cupcake Stencils

6 Easter Poly Treat bags

Cute, yes…nice, ok…but something seems missing…

NOW we’re talking!

Enter for the Easter Sweet Treats Giveaway by commenting on this post. We’ll announce the winner on Friday April 3rd–just in the nick of time.

Hippity hop…

Drum Roll Please…


And the winner of the greenWinkle BagBag is:


Brooke’s has won the Peppermint Swirl Bag Bag!




Congratulations Brooke!


Thanks to everyone for your participation in our drawing~

Stay tuned–we aren’t finished yet!

For no particular reason…

Here’s the February potholder…I would post a link to the pattern, but the site where I got it is gone. Do you suppose I’ll get arrested if I give it out anyway? That would definitely throw off my groove…

Here’s Lily being a magic baby and floating on air…

Daney boy playing with a blue hi-lighter. Can missionaries carry light sabers? Hmmmm…..

Baby Keni with her new sneaks–exhausted after all that running.

Wise baby Beckham…or is that Yoda?

Who can tell?

ward-campout-2008-9 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Laurie!


The Gracious Giveaway this week is a

“greenWinkle BagBag!”


You know…a handbag crafted from recycled or repurposed grocery bags.

A BagBag

This BagBag will be chosen from my very own Etsy shop,  just in time for Valentine’s Day. These bags are not only beautiful, but surprisingly sturdy, and machine wash AND dryable–plus they’re as green as it gets.

Now I haven’t decided exactly which BagBag to give away yet. There are nine different styles right now valued anywhere from  $48 to $98. So here’s what we’re going to do…

To earn 1 entry, simply click HERE to check out the different styles. Come back and tell me the name of the greenWinkle BagBag you like the best in the comment section. That’s it. 1 easy entry.

To earn 2 entries, all you have to do is announce this giveaway on your own blog or website. Post a link to your site in the comment section so I can cheer my head off. It’s a cinch–2 more entries.

To earn 3 entries, just send me a bag of Cheetoes, proving that I can, indeed, be bought. Heh, heh, heh…

I’d love to tell you that the previous statement was a joke, but the truth is–  it’s my contest and I’ll be bribed if I want to, bribed if I want to, bribed if I want to…

Oh, alright, alright…I’m just…kidding.


The winner will be announced Friday February 13, at 10am.


This could be your lucky day!!



purses-0152The greenWinkle Coconut Shell Tag


Attention Please

We will be announcing the next Gracious Giveaway—

Tomorrow– January 30th


This one will be very cool so don’t miss it!

Want another hint?

What is a word for:
an old woman
a trapped rabbit
the scourge of a landfill
Figured it out yet?