For no particular reason…

Here’s the February potholder…I would post a link to the pattern, but the site where I got it is gone. Do you suppose I’ll get arrested if I give it out anyway? That would definitely throw off my groove…

Here’s Lily being a magic baby and floating on air…

Daney boy playing with a blue hi-lighter. Can missionaries carry light sabers? Hmmmm…..

Baby Keni with her new sneaks–exhausted after all that running.

Wise baby Beckham…or is that Yoda?

Who can tell?

ward-campout-2008-9 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Laurie!

4 Replies to “For no particular reason…”

  1. The babies are soooo cute. I love the light saber. And tell Laurie HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me. If I ever get back to Utah, we’ll all have to get together.

  2. Dane and his light saber! Ahhh. AWESOME! Reminds me of talkig to him at Christmas!

    That heart shaped pot holder saved my hands life the other day. I was stirring soup with a metal whisk and I was glad to have that little heart around! 😉 Thanks!

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