A Hobbity Breakfast

Belonging to a household that will take any excuse for a celebration that’s offered—and run with it, we happily grabbed the idea for a 75th Anniversary of the Hobbit 2nd Breakfast to heart.

So on September 21st. at precisely 11:00 am, while the rest of the world did their shopping and laundry and city planning and bridge building…

we had a teeny, tiny, Hobbit-sized breakfast. There was scrumptious brown bread and creamy butter, juicy, ripe pears and a slab of cheese. Now then, isn’t that about what you’d expect to find on a kitchen table in Middle Earth?

Why, we even had a small portion of…um…ale, or…um…apple juice…or whatever.

It may not seem like a huge deal to you, but it was fun and playful and sweet and something to look forward to.

And I’ll tell you this–

It certainly beat first breakfast.

Hands down.


The tradition of 2nd Breakfast did not originate with the small folk in the Shire–no, no. It began when farmers woke up at the crack of dawn and had a quick breakfast of toast and tea before they began their early morning chores. After working so hard for several hours, by 10 or 11:00 they were certainly ready for a real meal–something like eggs, ham, biscuits, cheese, potatoes and juice before heading back out to work again. Hence the term “2nd Breakfast.” 

And now you know.   :}


Book Love

All I can say for now is that I’m a bit buried in one of the things I love most. They’re everywhere, I tell you. But this is what happens when you get the bright idea to move this shelf over here and that shelf over there…and all those shelves are full of books.

Of course, I’m not quite finished yet and there is entirely way too much white space on that one wall. But I’m getting there, and when we’re finished…

seven of the eight shelves of books will be in the same room. I know, I know–that’s a lot of books, and I should get a library card. I’ve heard all that before.


I have a possession problem.

Stay tuned.

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~The Smoking Ghost~

Hey~ I want to show you an amazing new picture book about tobacco prevention–a very important subject for parents to help their kids understand and be prepared for. The illustrations are adorable, detailed paper cut art–which you should see up close to fully appreciate.

Aside from the valuable timely message that this book will help families with, I’m particularly excited to promote it in any way I can because the amazingly talented writer and illustrator is my very own niece– Emily!! Yes, yes–she is one clever gal, I’ll tell you, and we’re proud to call her ours.

Feel free to go to The Smoking Ghost and download the digital copy for just $2.99!

Great writer. Valuable topic. Perfect price.

Go. Go. Do it. Do it. Tell your friends.

You’ll be glad you did!


What If…

we could all just be friends?

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