I see a bright and sweaty future for this baby boy…
Won’t Uncle Dane be pleased?
Let me explain…
Beckham is surprised at the feeling of cold water in his lap…
Lily thinks, “Hmmmm….looks fun…”
“…I believe I shall try it.”
Twin joy.
Note: Some items may cost a bit more these days than when these prompts were originally written, but hopefully it will still be helpful to have a nudge to gather these items each week.
Twenty-six years ago when Lyndi, my second daughter was born, Grama brought little April to the hospital to see us and of course her sweet baby sister. Filled with new mama hormones and missing my “original baby” desperately, I was nearly in tears when she burst into the hospital room–just a few hours after the birth.
To my surprise, she ran right past me and my outstretched arms, around the big bed and straight to the isolette that Lyndi lay wrapped in. She climbed right up onto the side–with dad steadying it–and leaned over so close that she could nearly lay her head on the baby’s chest.
Because she was only 21 months old I was nervous that she’d be too rough and pokey–but just as I took her little arm to help her back down, she breathed a huge sigh, and whispered, “Ohhhh—I missed you.”
There were no words at that moment…
…and there are no words for this.
April’s twins–Lily and Beckham–celebrated their 1st birthday this week.
It’s so hard to believe that we’ve known these sweethearts for a full year.
First to Babies R Us for the perfect car seat–times two.
Then home to dress for the party…
Of course there were presents…
and balloons…
and new toys.
The perfect baby day.
We love you!
See also: