So, it’s been roughly two months and a week since New Year’s and the goals that I puttered around with, during the month of January. In the interest of personal accountability, I am forcing myself to evaluate my progress…or–in some cases–lack thereof. Necessary adjustments will be made accordingly. Kinda scary…
Never fear. I’ll look at the goals one at a time to save the sanity of all involved.
This could be painful, but being a sturdy mountain woman, I intend to forge ahead..
“Ahhh…be brave, little piglet.”
So I shall.
New Year’s Goal #1 Gratitude.
“I will keep a gratitude journal and each day record at least one blessing, one joy or one example of ‘the Lord’s hand in my life.'”
How am I doing?
My very first goal has been more challenging than I expected. Not so much because I don’t recognize my blessings–I do–but more because I fall into bed each night, when I can no longer function with my eyes open. It makes it difficult to remember all the sweet baby kisses when you can’t remember how to hold a pen.
I did go to bed earlier last night and actually wrote down a few things, but, alas, it has not been anywhere near a daily thing, like I’d planned.
THEREFORE the adjustment I will make is to put the Gratitude Journal on the desk next to my bed. If my night memory doesn’t work–I’ll jot things down first thing in the morning. The point will be to leave it out where it’s easier to see. That should do it–because I truly enjoy this goal.
Gratitude makes the heart happy.
Iwant to do this more too! I was doing it like once a week and now I’m not sure when I did it last! 🙁 Thanks for the reminder!