Still Upstate~Things To See…

Day 2

July 16 073

A baby ordering room service…

July 16 083

and he did one fine job, I might add.

July 16 088

Tons of forests and marshy land. We live in what is commonly referred to as a desert–so we were duly impressed. In our world, lush green is a tough commodity to come by in the middle of July.

July 16 085

These fabulous, ancient farmhouses kept popping all over the place. I want them. All of them. Pretty sure I annoyed everyone by shouting, “Look at that one!” every 20 seconds. I was powerless to stop it.

July 16 086

Lyndi and I did break up the monotony by shrieking, “BEAVER!” and leaping from the car before it came to a complete stop, so that we could get a picture of the little guy. He had a big problem with two crazed women sprinting across his meadow towards him, I guess. The bad sport jumped into this canal pipe before I could get my camera turned on.

We saw the very first beaver I’ve ever seen, in my entire life.

I just can’t prove it.

July 16 095

We met back up with Jillian for a tour up “the hill.” You know, the big, steep, switch-backy, smallish mountain. Surprisingly, it wasn’t too bad. I was expecting to have to pay for a pack mule or camel or something to get me up this thing. The treadmill work must be paying off. Lucky for me because they were all out of beasts of burden.

July 16 098

She showed us the creepy pagan idols that are used as props in the play. Good thing we don’t worship those nasty looking things. What are they suppose to be anyway? yikes.

July 16 109

This is what 7000 seats looks like from the moon—I mean, the top of the hill. You can’t really tell, but we are standing just back from a very steep, deadly edge of  this hill. I mean, you could seriously plunge to your death from this place. yikes again.

July 16 116

We saw the Angel Moroni Monument…so pretty.

July 16 130

and headed back down the foresty side of the hill.

July 16 134

Oh, Chompy was impressed with all this, let me tell you.

July 16 149

Back on the road and passing more of those houses that I want…


ok, covet.

July 16 152

One Chill and Grill Hamburger. Yum.

July 16 151

One Chill and Grill “Junk Plate” for The Bald Kid. Let this be a lesson to you. Never assume that anything called a junk plate could possibly taste…you know, good. It was hard to watch–and harder to sit by. Blaugh…

July 16 159

Now this chicky has the right idea.

July 16 161

Tons of beautiful church steeples. You’ll just have to trust me that there were churches attached.

July 16 183

We took the tour through the 150 year old Grandin Printing Company. Scoff if you will, but we actually like this kind of stuff.

July 16 187

Even the litle dudes were being good sports. Good thing too because while driving along, minding our own business…we discovered…

July 16 195

a good old fashioned country fair! WoooHoooo!

To be continued…

10 Replies to “Still Upstate~Things To See…”

  1. I have a million pictures of the beautiful houses… it was kinda fun trying to capture their beauty and awesomeness sooo we could bask in it later!!!

    I’m glad that you didn’t short-change the County Fair by adding it into this post… it sooo completely needs a post of it’s own!!! *:D* LOVE!!!

    This trip went by sooo fast… but feels like we were there longer than we were. How does that work?!? I’m telling you… the world is spinning faster these days!

  2. You’re making me regretful that we never made it up to visit my brother when he lived in Rochester. And now it’s too late as he lives in Michigan. It looks and sounds like you’re having a WONDERFUL time!!! Keep the posts coming – I’ll just live vicariously through you until I can perhaps drag my family up there some day.

  3. Wahoo! Thank you so much Janelle! I’ve never won a blog award before. I’ll have to figure out how to grab it. It’s very pretty.

  4. Oh, you’ll do it Jodi. It was so beautiful here. We are so glad we saw all this. What does Michigan look like? Is it pretty too?

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