Those Balloons Again

Every year, on the 4th of July, we wake up at the crack of dawn.

And every year, on the 4th of July when we wake up at the crack of dawn…

I, without fail, think to myself…

“what on EARTH are we doing?!! And…

…why on EARTH are we doing it?!”

But also, without fail, as we drive down to the park and start to see all the familiar things…

the balloons…

the foooooood…

the people…

the sleepy people,

the fascinated people…

the happy-to-be-here people…

the loving people…

I am once again reminded why it is that we do this…

all of this.  It’s because we will take…

all the opportunities that we can to pull all these sweet, dear people together…

to remind each of  us of everything there is to be grateful for…

so that we never,  ever forget.

Happy 4th of July my friends.

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