Couldn’t resist the cake pops again–only this time we’re making turkeys…a pack of them.
Or is it a gaggle?
Who knows…
You will need:
cake mix
tub of frosting
colored mini chips
red Starbursts (2 should do it)
peanut m&ms (red, orange and yellow)
food color markers
sucker sticks
candy corn
Start with the cake pop recipe from a few months back–this time we used chocolate cake and frosting. Dip them in Chocolate melts, and insert the sucker sticks. Now take them to the freezer to chill up a bit.
Sort out some yellow and orange mini chips–these will be your beaks.
You will use the markers to draw on the eyes.
Stick the mini chip beaks onto the M&Ms with the candy melts. We took tiny pinches of red Starbursts and shaped them into little waddles–and stuck them on the same way.
Then draw on the eyes with the edible markers.
Aren’t they just dang cute?
Stick the candy corn “feathers” on with the chocolate melts. It worked best to lay the turkey down like this to hold the feathers on while they dry. The candy melts set up quickly–so while they are setting you can add the cute little turkey heads–stick them on with the chocolate as well.
Now they are ready to grace your Thanksgiving table or—if you’re like us–they will make the perfect little neighbor treats.
Or you could just eat them all by yourself…
Hmmmm….splendid idea…

YUM! You guys are just too dang cute! I love it!
I’m glad you made these because I couldn’t really “see” them when you were telling me about them before! I didn’t get how you were going to make their faces… but they are pretty cute! 🙂
How long did these take to make? How many do you get from one pan of cake? I have to bring a kid friendly dessert to Thanksgiving, and thought these would be perfect!
I loved the chocolate cake part too. Yum is right!
We’ll get better at this stuff–you’ll see.
These ones took a bit longer than the Halloween ones because we had to make the little faces on the turkey heads. But if you have a couple of hours–you’ll have a great time. Word to the wise–make your faces first, then the rest is just gluing everything together. The mini chips are from JoAnn Fabrics. Oh, and be sure to grab the Autumn mix before it’s gone. The edible markers came from JoAnn’s as well–but you can get them at Robert’s too.
Come back and show me your finished turkeys.