This Old House

April and I went on a mini road trip this week–more on that later– and for some odd reason…

I couldn’t stop myself from snapping a picture of nearly every little old house that caught my eye–as we drove past, of course.

I’ve always loved wondering “who has lived there?” and “what was their life like?”

I want to walk through the rooms and touch the walls and see if I can just feel the life the old house has known.

My mom used to tell me that if I actually lived in an old, drafty, hot, ancient house I’d get over my infatuation with them…quick.

I think not.

In fact, I’m certain somehow, that it would be much, much worse.

Who–do you suppose–has looked out this window…

and what did they see?

What do you think? Hmmmm?

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6 Replies to “This Old House”

  1. I’m sure glad I’m not the only one who does this. I imagine who they were, what their life was all about and how old they lived to be. How many kids did they have and when their kids grew up, did they stick around town or did they move across country to raise their own family. You can go on and on and on. If only walls could talk…… 🙂

  2. I like to take pictures of houses sometimes too… but I have to admit I sure don’t want to live in them. I’d love to listen to their stories and then go back to my own place that doesn’t have quite as many, and create some of our own! 😉

  3. Yay! Something else we have in common. Doug and I have looked over the years at fun old houses. We even put an offer on one in Lehi 20 years ago only to find that someone had made an offer an hour before us. Houses could tell us so much if they could only talk. I would listen!

  4. Pretty interesting to read this now, while you’re sitting in your own little old house. I hope you love it as much as you’ve love all of these others from afar. <3

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