The Perfect Fruit

100 Happy Days #26


Look at that pretty thing. A beautiful pear with the stem removed so that I can just bite the top right off. Mmmmm. I think I could eat twenty pears a day and be completely happy. Well, until I got sick, of course. But I’m just saying pears are my favorite fruit and I would love to have a pear tree right outside my back door…someday.  That’s all.

They make me ridiculously happy. Especially because there are twenty more in the fridge…

this very minute.


2 Replies to “The Perfect Fruit”

  1. I love pears, too. I prefer them more crunchy than soft, and would love to eat twenty of them a day! 😎

  2. I love Asian Pears… yUUUm! We tried planting that kind of tree and it didn’t live. We’ll have to figure out what happened so we can try again!

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