Here is a pretty great thingy that we made a while back–which I positively love—so I want to show it to you. It never hurts to have a reminder to be…
Of course, we didn’t free hand this–fear not. It was a big, old block of wood that we painted, sanded, roughed up a bit, and then “dirtied” with some black stuff–no idea what it was. Then we took a rub-on stencil and a tongue depressor, and applied the sticker. Pretty dang easy.
People ask me all the time where I got it, but since it was an Achievement Night Class project–I have know idea where the stencil came from. However, if you love this and are interested in something like it, I’m just real sure that Katrina– over at Katrina’s Kreations could likely hook you up.
Katrina’s stuff is always sooo cute! I love your thankful block… it’s sooo happy! I think the “black stuff” was just dye… we’ll have to luck into it! 😉