Other than the words “Happy Thanksgiving” and “Merry Christmas!” my two very next favorite words have to be ROAD TRIP.  No doubt about it.

Seriously, where else can you drive all day to see a giant watermelon slice?!!

Totally worth it. We live for this kind of stuff.  Plus, we just have so dang much fun!

This particular trip–we were headed from Utah to Colorado for a Spartan Sprint (more on that later) which several of my kids and their kids were taking part in.

Oooh. Look at that lovely vineyard.

I’m glad I wasn’t driving past when THAT big, old rock fell down. I have nightmares about that kind of stuff.

This river was creepily close to the highway. It might have even gone under it–for all I know. Simply couldn’t tell. Yikes.

I read an article the other day that said that many of the plateaus that we see on the horizon were actually enormous trees a zillion years ago. Don’t know if I believe it or not, but it’s fun to think about.

I told Rhen all the details of this article and started saying, “Like, that one there…it used to be a tree.” All he would say was, “Huh. Interesting,” which is what he always says when he is only half listening.

Well, knowing that he was not totally paying attention, I kept saying it.

“See that over there? It used to be a tree, ” over and over–to all sorts of stuff–mountains, hills, actual trees, billboards, houses…you get the picture. I was amazed at how often he fell for it.

Made me laugh.

Roadside stop at the top of the mountain. Who are these adorable people?!

They just keep popping up…

everywhere we went!

We saw this interesting bridgey looking thing. Cool. Cool.

Then saw a couple of tunnels coming up…

If you know how I feel about tunnels, you’ll understand when I say, completely UNCOOL.

It was a lovely road trip–there and back again. Great company, pretty stuff to look at and great food, which I was too busy eating to take pictures of.

Someone even put up a Welcome Home sign for us on our return to Utah. How sweeeeet!

Oh, and see that thing over there?

It used to be a tree.


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