As many of you already know–Gracious Rain is not the only place that I hang out. No, there is another spot that is quite close to my heart and it’s called…
HypnoBirthing. I’ve actually been teaching HypnoBirthing Childbirth Education classes since 2001 and have taught about a zillion couples–I’ll have to actually count someday– the techniques to help them have an easier, more comfortable birthing experience. It’s a lovely thing.
Well, today is a big day for me and my little website because, thanks to my amazing daughter April, we not only have a new look, but the HypnoBirthing page got an entire makeover! (~Insert joyful squeal of delight~)
So, just because it’s new and beautiful and amazing–and because I’m thrilled out of my mind–would you do me a little favor?
Would you pop on over there for a minute and leave a little comment somewhere–you know, as kind of a “welcome to the 21st century” sort of gesture? I mean, it’s kind of like cracking the side of my new website with a fake bottle of champagne or something. We couldn’t actually figure out how to do that in the cyber world, but your comments will be more fun anyway.
Thanks, thanks my friends. Let me know what you think!
:} In fact, I’ll send a pretty little HB sweatshirt to one lucky soul–chosen at random–from the comments. We’ll choose on Friday December 2, 2011…at 10:00am.

WOOHOO! Way to go!!!
Your new site looks great! 😀 Way to go!