Mommas’ Breakfast


Ooooh, baby–do we love Kneader’s! Especially the Saturday before Mother’s Day.


They make a big old fuss over moms for breakfast that day. It’s all you can eat Cinnamon Swirl French Toast and strawberries.


You know us. We’ll take any occasion to be together and have a party especially if someplace like Kneader’s is throwing it. We are totally in.


It’s what we do, after all.


Since I had to teach a class right afterwards, I figured protein was a better bet for my brain than sugar. So I ordered a ham and egg sandwich on whole wheat, and donated my French Toast to the first giant bald guy that I saw.


He knew exactly what to do, without missing a beat.



3 Replies to “Mommas’ Breakfast”

  1. You’re always out doing fun things with your kids! I love it!! Hope you had a great Mothers Day, and I LOVE YOU!

  2. I love going to Kneaders anytime, but it’s especially fun to go for Mother’s Day! They are so generous and the food is delicious! I love this tradition!

  3. We were going to go this year but other things got in the way. It looks so yummy!

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