May Flowers

Nothing like a little color to remind a person that it really, truly is Spring…nearly Summer, in fact.Β  Goofy cold weather has been holding us back from the garden, but we’ve come to the place where if feels like “plant or perish!”

So the bald kid kindly dug up a generous patch of spent dirt, mixed it with some soil booster…

and promptly bought me some flowers. Ooohhh I love that kid. Someone must have raised him right…heh.

To me–pink and purple petunias are pure perfection. Say that 5 times fast, I dare you.

Anyway, we dug a billion little holes for our billion little flowers and filled each space with water. “A five dollar hole for a fifty cent flower” as my mama used to say. We had to work quickly because…

when we looked up to our mountains we saw…

all that coming our way.Β  Lucky for us valley folk that before it reached us…

the snow graciously…turned to rain.

Gracious rain.

Has a lovely ring to it–

don’t you think?

6 Replies to “May Flowers”

  1. Too bad it is snowing now. My trees all look like they are going to break. A couple of the branches already have.

  2. Yeah. I’m thinking we’re losing several branches if not whole trees because of this, too. They were already really weak from last years late storm. I hope your petunias make it mom… πŸ™

  3. Yeah our backyard willow is pressed right to the ground. We’re just waiting for a loud CRACK!
    Kinda pretty though.

  4. I took pictures because if the whole tree is lost, I’d like to remember what happened. We’ve covered the petunias and the fruit trees–it was quite an early morning scramble though.
    Joke’s on me…that’s for sure!


  5. That was VERY sweet of the Bald Kid to get you those pretty flowers… he’s great! πŸ™‚ I hope your little flowers make it. I can see blue skies poking through now… but we’ll see! πŸ˜‰

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