Glass Pebble Magnets

These little fridge magnets were so easy and fun to make…

I couldn’t get myself to stop…

Start with clear, glass craft pebbles–size 3/4″ and 1-1/2″ worked well with 3/4 in magnet buttons. I found all this at Walmart–but I’ve seen them at the dollars store too. You just have to keep your eyes open and snag them when you can.

Next, decide what you want as your pictures. I used stickers, fabric and tiny words from magazines. The original idea was to use photos, but I’m getting low on printer ink, so I had to improvise.

Cut your pictures out and glue them on the back. I just used Mod Podge–anything that dries clear will work. Next–once the glue is dry–use a hot glue gun to stick the magnets on the back. Be careful here, especially with the tiny pebbles. I thought I had finally made friends with my evil glue gun…

I was mistaken.

Let the cute little things sit and settle for a day or two before making them hold the plum pudding recipe on the fridge. It will seal the bond to let it rest a bit. An Altoids box is a great storage case for your magnets–and also makes it easier to wrap them up as a gift.

Especially if your fingers have bandaids all over them.


8 Replies to “Glass Pebble Magnets”

  1. One of these days I’ll have to post on how to dress up an Altoids box, so it doesn’t say Altoids, and all that. I think I have like 20 of them in my craft room.

  2. I LOVE these!!! 🙂 I was going to make a million with pictures on it… but that would require pictures. heh. I should still gather some up sooo we can all have cute magnets EVERYwhere!!!

  3. I have done this in the past by painting the design onto the back of the glass pebbles either with acrylic or glass paints. Instead of turning them into magnets though I wrapped silver wire around them to fashin a fixing and turned them into pendants for jewellery. Magnets or pedants, I find them very pretty and it’s a very simple thing to do.

  4. Hi:

    I’m new to your site and have spent the last THREE hours perusing your site. I absolutely love all your ideas!!!! You have the BEST website ever!!!

    I love the stone fridge magnets, the scrabble tile necklaces, oh and the tie dye easter eggs are to die for, and the paper bead braclets, oh, oh and, and the clip-boards, and the recipes for making your house smell nice! Oh my gosh, I could go on and on.

    Thanks for a GREAT job! I referred to here through TipNut!

    Thanks again,
    Louise (Canada)

  5. Can I hire you to make some of these? I have a client who needs some made….without the magnet – just a stone!

  6. Can u give me some advice, I tried making these and got so far as gluing the magnets on the back (after just using pics on the back cut out of magazines) but the glue from the magnets bit has made the pictures all smudged and rubbish now…I only did it a couple of hours ago, is it likely to dry out and look ok again…or do u have any advice to avoid this happening again…?! I used the glue called E6000…as I’ve read a lot of people have also used this.. ?! Thanks…any help greatly appreciated…xx

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