4 Replies to “Gathering Summer”

  1. It’s true, there are a lot of awesome things about summer…but MAN, I can’t WAIT for fall!

  2. April, why wish for fall while in the sweetest summer we have ever had in Chicagoland! TWO DAYS ABOVE 90 AND EVERY OTHER DAY IN THE LOW 80S. Sweet weather for us up here but I know many others are having hellatious heat like in Wichita Falls Tx, where my loved ones are sweltering! Kuddos to them for hanging in there!
    Plus April you are named after one of the prettiest months in the calendar, so enjoy what time we have before we have to close up the house and turn on the heat!!!

  3. I am excited for Fall. Summer went by really fast but that happens when you have a baby in late Spring. Mallory goes back to school next week.

  4. Oh Summer… it’s beautiful and fun and too short!!! I love that we are able to enjoy EVERY season here though. It’s fun to be able to love a little bit of everything!

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