For the Shop

Yes, yes–there are still snow flurries blowing around outside my window–this very minute, but nonetheless- there are hopeful moments of sun streaking through the clouds here and there as well.

Enough sun, in fact, to inspire a few “flurries” of my own–though of a considerably warmer nature.

You’ll find a few new things in the shop this week that will remind you–I hope–that spring is indeed upon us–no matter what the weatherman says!

The new “Creamies” Flapper Hat collection is shown here in toddler sizes but can quickly be made in any size you need. Just email me. And remember–these hats are made from 100% breathable cotton fibers–that means they are warm when you need warm and cool when you need cool.

And the colors…

don’t they just chant spring?

8 Replies to “For the Shop”

  1. I love, LOVE, love the colors! So fun! I might need a couple for my girls this summer. They have outgrown the ones from winter. Time to box them away for the next little girl.

  2. Kathy, you are so sure that you’ll have another girl! What will you do if its a boy?

  3. Forget Spring… these call out the Summer! Orange sherbet, creamies and fresh berries! yUUUm… I mean… CUTE!!! *:D* Good job Mom!

  4. Those are beautiful colors. They warm up my soul and just do something for me 🙂

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