Cucumber Kitty

Have you seen those funny videos where people put a cucumber behind their cat and when they turn around they FREAK out and run away?

Well, that’s not MY cat.

If I have a cucumber on my counter–minding it’s own business–he just KNOWS somehow, and jumps up and grabs it and runs off with it. Next time we see it, it’s half eaten and chewed up all over the floor.

Believe it or not, we’ve hit upon a compromise, of sorts.

I peel and cut up the cucumber and quarter it, while Hobbes paces and howls like I’m skinning a 9 pound mackerel– just for him. I slice out the middle seeds,  because nobody wants them anyway.

Oh, wait.

Except  Mr.  Hobbes.

No sense in throwing the seeds away cause he’ll just dig them out of the trash anyway. So, have them, little kitty–and good riddance.

My cat thinks he’s a rabbit.

Good grief.

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