Nutter Butter Turkeys

Oh, my GOODNESS! Have we been having fun over here!!

Kind of amazing what you can do with a couple of cookies and some carefully placed candy pieces.

Two cookies, 4 candy corns, a slice of gummy fruit and a couple of googly eyes–all held together with melted white chocolate. That’s all it took.

I worked at it all afternoon until I had a sweet, tasty army of tiny little turkeys. In that same amount of time– my awesome son made exactly…


Any guesses which are his?


Candy Turkey Legs

Ok, guys–are these the cutest little turkey drumsticks that you’ve ever, EVER seen?! You KNOW they are!

And  no lie, they taste so good, you’ll be lucky if somebody doesn’t eat them all in one sitting. Ahem.

First, you’ll need three simple things:

1 bag of Braided Pretzel Sticks

1 bag Kraft Caramels

Dipping chocolate– we used 2 large Symphony bars

Here’s how you make them. 

Snap one end off the pretzels or they will be too long and look funny.  You can see that we didn’t break too much off. Just enough to make them the right size.

Next you’ll want to warm up the caramels. You can do this a few different ways. You can soften them up with a few seconds in the microwave–if you have one. We don’t, so we put them in a Ziploc bag and set them in a bowl of hot water. It worked just fine.

We’re not trying to melt the caramels–just make them soft enough to mold, kind of like clay.

Next, wrap the caramel around the broken end of the pretzel. Mold and shape it like a turkey leg–a blob at one end, tapering down towards the middle of the pretzel.

You’ll have a sweet little plate of naked drumsticks when you’re finished. While they sit there in all their skinned, raw, vulnerable glory you’ll need to melt the chocolate. We just put it in a small pan and warmed it on the stove on low.

Once it’s completely melted, dip the little things in the chocolate and let them rest on wax paper. You might want to be smarter than I was and put the wax paper on a pan first. That way you can pop them in the fridge to help them set faster.

I don’t know about you, but I simple LOVE giving someone a surprise that makes them say, “OH, MY GOSH!! How adorable!”

Then they laugh–

which is, of course my all time favorite reaction.

Luckily, I made a million of these.

Guess I’m just a needy little soul.




PS- This recipe was first spotted on Taste of Home Recipes. I only did one minor tweak–using one caramel instead of two and breaking the pretzels.

Personal Turkey Placecards

Introducing our new Personal Turkey Place Cards!! Just the thing for your Thanksgiving seating arrangements. You can let the kids help you cut these out for the big day OR you can make them up as a big surprise to your family and friends! You’ll have grownups and kids alike scrambling around to find their very own turkey face on the table. 

Oh, it’s been WAY too long since we made any of our sweet Thanksgiving Place cards. If you’ve been around here for awhile, you may remember our other place cards. We’ve had Pilgrims and Native Americans over the years that you could color yourself–we’ll update that soon, fear not. 

So, what else could we do this year but turn all our little turkeys into actual–sort of– TURKEYS!! Aren’t they simply adorable? 

The extra good news is that these sweet turkeys are already full color and ready to be cut out. Just add your family pictures and you’ll be home free!!  

Download your very own Personal Turkey Place Cards right here! 


Pilgrim Placecards

Native American Placecards

The Lucky Turkey

While all of us were sitting around letting the turkey settle and the pie percolate, the kids put together an adorable little impromptu play. Have you ever seen a cuter turkey in your life?! I mean his body is a big box and they stuck paper in his mouth for a beak. And the FEET!! Hahaha!

He even has colorful turkey feathers in the back. Bless his little turkey heart!

Now to be honest, I’m not totally clear who everyone was here. But I’m thinking pilgrims perhaps?

In the end, they decided NOT to eat the turkey because he was just too cute! Hooray!

I can guess what won those hungry pilgrims over.

It was those adorable turkey FEET!!

Oh, my goodness I love these kids!

So, So Thankful

So very much to be thankful for this year.

The new exciting things, the old, comfortable things.

A few very, very hard things…

and some incredibly wonderful, happy things.

All, I believe, designed by our loving Heavenly Father to help us stretch and grow and love harder and stronger and ultimately…

to bring us closer to Him.

I am indeed grateful for my sweet home and cute chickens and my dear, dear family….

some of whom may or may not be playing chess…

at the dinner table.

And I love them to bits.

Happy Thanksgiving my friends.