Golden Afternoon

On Sunday afternoon a really peculiar thing happened.

So peculiar, in fact, that some of the braver folk came out…on the roof for a closer look.

The first thing that got our attention was that everything–everywhere– turned yellow–and that’s while we were still in the house.

When we came outside the whole sky was totally yellow…

no matter which way you turned.

Don’t you find that particularly odd?

I do.

One of the kids said, “Ok, this is really freaky…”

eerie even…

you know, like, the end of the world kinda stuff.”

But as you can see–we’re still here. No apocalypse. No Millennium. No end of the world…for now.

In fact, within minutes the yellow sky started to fade away altogether…

and promptly turned…


Just Hanging Out

This moment…

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from our lives.

A simple, special, extraordinary moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Happy weekend everyone!

Summer Wisdom

These things I know to be true…

Some damsels just aren’t interested in being rescued…they’d rather redecorate.

The perfect frame will bring the sunshine into any room.

Bruschetta is positively scrumptious with mostly fresh ingredients. More on this later.

There is only one proven way to keep wee folk out of the freezer when there are Popsicles inside.

A variation on a theme of oatmeal is still oatmeal and therefore…good for you.

Watching a cul-de-sac on fire is a splendid way to spend a summer evening.

It is perfectly acceptable–sometimes–to let someone else make the dessert.

Cottonwood is a magical, floating, fairy-like thing…unless it makes your sister sneeze–then, of course, it should be banned from the kingdom.

When you’re not quite 2, it’s really ok to be a great, big chicken.

Water really does taste best from a garden hose.

Amen and amen.

Sleepy Summer

Back in the days before mandatory booster seats and shoulder restraints it was a pretty common thing to look in the back seat of the car, on a warm summer day and find your children in a knotted, cozy pile…fast asleep. It seemed to me that there was something particularly hypnotic about the freeway that knocked my kids out—routinely on any trip more than 20 miles long. Likely it had to do with the fact that they could scooch around into any position that suited them–on the floor of the car even.

I know now that the danger of unbuckled children is real and dreadful–and I am so grateful that we never had a tragic accident without the seat belts all in place. Thank Heavens! But in our ignorance–I will say that it was–at the time, a lovely thing to be able give each child a turn sitting up front between mom and dad, especially on long, tedious road trips–something I can’t fathom doing now. In fact, the memory of my kids climbing back and forth over the seats during trips is a sweet one to me, I think because I remember doing it myself as a child. I can still hear my mom say, “Watch your feet and don’t kick daddy.”

Sounds absolutely crazy to me now.

Of course it’s a better, safer, wiser day now, but we do have some sweet memories of those rides, singing and laughing and playing road games–looking for the elusive “white horse” that daddy would give us a dime for…yes, a whole dime, and that’s only if we saw it before he did.

Still, some of my favorite pictures are of these sweet babies, years ago, in those cuddly, tangled piles…

fast asleep.

Summer Shade

With the temperature rising into the high 90’s this week–we are becoming more and more…

creatures of the evening.

It seems that we need the blazing sun to drop just far enough behind the mountains to give us a spot or two of shade…

so that we can come to life in whatever way suits us best.

For some of us that means romping around on the lawn with a football or croquet mallet.

For others of us, it means sitting back doing something slow and quiet…or nothing at all.

Positively perfect in almost every way. In fact, on warm shady evenings like this, all we’re missing is…

a bigger plate.