What a Feeling…

Positively nuts–that’s what I kept saying over and over again—all weekend long…

at the response to daughter April’s “Quilts For Japan” post. Wonderful people just kept coming.

We don’t have all the stats yet on how many quilts we have yet–quite a few people took some home to finish–but this I know…the stack you are looking at right now is about a foot and a half from the ceiling! Thank you soooo much everyone who came. You are all so amazing and generous. We had a fabulous time and are still getting quilts left on the porch by night~thank you, thank you little quilting elves. :}

We’ll get back to everyone with the numbers in a few days–with pictures too, but in the meantime we are still very busy putting together quilt packets with all the fabric and batting we have left. If anyone would like to take a pre-cut quilt packet to make at home, it would be so appreciated.

Just email AprilRosenthal@gmail.com for the details.

And again–thank you all so much for your kindness and support. Sisters helping sisters.

What a feeling.


:: Quilts For Japan ::

Earthquake, tsunami, radiation, and now…

record cold temperatures and snow.

Utah Friends and family:

The LDS Church Humanitarian Center has put out an “immediate need” request for twin and full sized quilts to help those suffering in the aftermath of the disaster and now extreme temperatures.

In an effort to aid those suffering in Japan, we have scheduled a Orem church building this Saturday to tie quilts–as many quilts as possible. If you have any time at all this Saturday, please consider coming–even for an hour.

If you have flannel, fleece, sheets, yarn, or batting, that you’re willing to donate–it would help so much. We will also have a giveaway there as an added incentive–as if the cookies and good “servicey” feelings aren’t enough!  :}

Those who live outside Utah, I know you can’t come, but could you pass this to anyone who would be willing to help in UT?

Saturday, March 19th

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

1075 W 1100 N  (church building)

Orem, UT

Please pass this on to anyone you can~friends, family, coworkers, etc.

If you know quilt or fabric shop owners (or avid quilters with a huge stash!) who would be willing to donate fabric or batting, please ask them.

This is obviously short notice, but also an easy thing we can do to give service and help our sweet brothers and sisters in devastated Japan. This would be a great opportunity to teach older children about the power of timely service–even when it might be a little inconvenient.

For more information, and a link to pass to friends, please go to April’s blog, here or  the local Relief Society blog, here or email Launi@GraciousRain.com.

Thank you- thank you–from the bottom of our hearts!

Launi, April, Lyndi, Jillian and Dane
Gracious Rain


{Full Potential}

“When you push against the boundaries of experience into the twilight of the unknown the Lord will strengthen you. The beauty of your eternal soul will begin to unfold.”

~Elder Richard G. Scott




“The degree of our love for the Lord and for our fellowmen can be measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for them. Sacrifice is a demonstration of pure love.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard