Pink and Purple

The other day, as I was taking pictures of the project you see here–I thought to myself, my goodness those colors are pretty. Now, I’m well aware that there are more popular colors around these days–my daughter tells me that yellow and grey are all the thing. OoooKkkk.

Apparently I have a deep seeded need to utterly rebel.

I never really thought I was that type of person, but the evidence is right there in front of me…everywhere.

When we bought water bottles, April chose the very modern orange and lime green…

I chose pink and purple.

My sister made me a lovely purple-blue scarf and my daughter made me a bright pink one…so this one’s not my fault, they were gifts. But the pink and purple gypsy scarf in the back–yeah, I bought that. Don’t worry, I’m not belly dancing or anything–it was just pretty.

I have a crafty idea that needed a couple of swim noodles so when I found them at Walmart, is it my fault they were purple and pink? Hmmmm?

One of the soft, squishy blankets on the end of my bed is just the right shades of purple and pink, pink and purple.

I never knew they made duct tape in bright pink, so naturally when I saw it, I had to…you know…buy it. Again, not my fault. I was overwhelmed.

Picture frame from my cute daughter…pink…

business cards…purple.

April wouldn’t let me put pink on there too. She said that the purple was “quite enough.”


When I was a little girl I told my mom that pink belonged to me…that I owned it. My mom said, “Wellll, ok.”

What I didn’t tell her at the time, was that…

purple’s mine too.

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The Doll House Man

On our last trip to the local Farmer’s Market in Provo, we met this lovely fellow. His name is John Jackson, but I’m just going to call him the Doll House Man. For the last 6 or 7 years this cute guy has been making the doll houses of every girl’s dreams. He actually reminded me of my sweet daddy, only instead of making cakes–he makes furniture and houses for little folks.

Miss Chompy could not take her eyes off the lavender one with all it’s pretty little tables and chairs and hutches and bunkbeds…

and couches and love seats. I was amazed at how sturdy and solid every piece was. For me, there’s just something about hand made toys that tugs at my heart. It feels like some sort of connection to something bigger just to hold them in my hands.

Chompy particularly loved this rocking chair…so we sort of, kind of, you know…bought it. Oh, it was just too cute to leave behind. Besides, it was just the perfect size for her Strawberry Shortcake dolly back home.

It was all so pretty. I mean– just look at the sweet little shutters on every window.

I really loved the idea of the drawers at the bottom of the house too. That’s right, keep all those dolly clothes up off the floor! That makes mommas very happy.

Now you know that I rarely say the words “you should get this” on my blog. Well, sometimes about yarn…and maybe Cheetoes…but that can’t be helped. I would never want to make my friends crazy with ads and things, but, when we met Mr. Jackson, I was so impressed with his sturdy, beautiful doll houses that I kept thinking, “my children’s grandchildren would be able to play with this.”  No lie.

So, if you have a little sweetheart that would love to find something like this under her Christmas Tree, I hope you’ll give Mr. Jackson a call. He is adorable and if you’re anything like us–you’ll love him…and his pretty little doll houses.  :}

Beauty All Around

April and I took a quick trip up the canyon yesterday and we were positively awestruck with the beauty of the scenery around us. Sincerely, it took our breath away. Then we rounded the bend and came out of the canyon and crested the Orem hill and saw…


this. We had no choice but to pull over to avoid getting in a wreck.

What a beautiful world we live in.


Finding The Dress

Ooooh, there’s something so magical about sitting on that poofy couch–watching your daughter, your baby daughter, try on one beautiful white dress after another.

Swishing past so you can touch it if you want to.

Walking a straight line just to see if the train trails behind just perfectly…as it should.

With a sash around the middle…

…or a satin ribbon?

Will it be the flowered veil, or a simple one with tiny sparkles? Decisions, decisions.

Then flouncing back to the dressing room to try another one.

And in the end our dear little bride-to-be chose the dress that made her feel most like a princess from her favorite fairy tale…as we knew she would.

Happily, I’m truly just along for the ride because the perfect dress for the biggest day in her life simply MUST be her choice. The one that feels right and makes all the searching…just stop.

The dress of her dreams.


Fear not~I didn’t actually show you the one that she picked, because that would be…well, just wrong. Besides, we couldn’t risk Prince Charming getting snoopy, now could we?

Our Pink Blossoms

Truth be told, I’ve never really been one to walk around outside in the yard just to snap 600 pictures of a gnarly old tree.

Until now, that is.

See, we have this incredible crab apple tree out front that–when the stars align just right–will one day be green and plain and overnight, will explode into this magical, cotton-candy-pink creation that literally takes your breath away.

No kidding. We’ve actually had people stop their cars in the middle of the road and tell us how beautiful our whole street is…

because of this one tree. But look long and hard, because it will only last a couple of days and then, the petals fade and blow away.

Funny thing is, that we’d taken this pretty thing nearly for granted for a couple of years. You know, “Oh, look–the tree’s pink again,” that sort of thing, until one time when it just didn’t ever bloom…at all.

We thought maybe it was a every-other-year type thing.

Then the next Spring we had a hard frost and when nothing blossomed in the yard anywhere, we figured the cold was to blame.

Then last April, we wondered out loud if we had done something wrong or if the tree was old and giving up, or what could possibly be the matter. Almost as if it was trying to soothe our worries, a few scant blossoms appeared…a bare handful, here and there.

So this year, we watched and waited, anxious to see if our tree still had it, or not. And to our surprise, and relief, one day we woke up to all of this…

and this…

and this.

Oh, those delicate, tissue flowers, that beautiful, perfect shade of pink–how we’ve missed you!

Welcome, welcome back.