Harry Potter–Through the Pensieve

With the very last Harry Potter film coming out next month, we’ve really had the “bespeckled git” on our minds these days. With the end in mind it seemed only right that Gracious Rain take over the entire Theater #7 at the University Mall Cinemark in Orem, Utah for the event–with our usual crazy premier blow out beforehand. We can’t seem to stop ourselves from making a party out of things–always.

If you happen to be even a small bit of a fan–please, please, watch the following. It’s amazing…and of course it will likely make the die-hards bawl.

Yeah…we’re in deep my friends.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Is it just us or are there quite a few folks out there who wonder–What will we ever do without our beloved Harry Potter?!

Those Pirates

My sister and her man invited me to the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie the other day and of course I went. Aside from the fact that it was playing in an amazing theater…

and it was filled with Johnny Depp….

–let me say that again with emphasis—It was FILLED with JOHNNY DEPP!

He and I go way back.

But we also had the bonus of getting to see it in 3-D–something I’ve never, ever experienced before. They hand you your ticket and a cute little package with a funky pair of black sunglasses. If you put them on before they tell you to, everything will look chopped up and blurry and you might just trip over nothing and you could even start to feel a bit car sick. Don’t ask me how I know this. Just trust me and wait till the movie tells you to put them on.

Besides, you don’t want to miss THIS particular poster on your way down the hall. Pretty sure I’m too wimpy to see any show called “Abduction” but the poster of Jacob from Twilight was quite nice.  Ooops–did I say that out loud?

Here’s a movie-going tip of the day. If you want the theater all to yourself, just show up for the 9:30 am show on a Saturday.  There were like six other people in the building so we could pretty much yell to each other about how darn cute Mr. Depp was and nobody would care one little bit. My kinda movie!

I admit that it was very odd putting sunglasses on in the dark and over my own glasses at that. But 3-D was really a fun new adventure. And seriously…it’s always ok with me if that Captain Jack fellow seems to be standing a whole lot closer.

BAH-ha ha!

What about you? Have you seen the new Pirates? Have you ever watched a movie in 3-D?  :}

More Great Stuff…

Look at all the crafty things we’ve gotten this week…

“Diary of Tom Riddle Pendant” by Creative Etching

Mail time is the best time of the day around here because of all the amazing packages that arrive each day. All these sweet folks and their sweet shops–donating hand made treasures to our Harry Potter Premiere party.

“Harry Potter Buttons” by Sky Couture

“Luna’s Radish Earrings” by Savvy Alley Cat

Guaranteed to be a roaring success! I’ll show you more prizes as they arrive.

This is getting good…  :}

Where will you be watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows? Hmmmm?


Be sure to enter our “Melissa & Doug Summer Toys” giveaway. We need 200 entries by June 3rd. Please, please–spread the word.


::What’s Right::

…this very minute.

The first giveaways for the Harry Potter Premiere have begun to arrive. Wahooo!

What’s right in your world this very minute?

Have a good Saturday everyone!


Our Harry Potter 7 Party

Last November, Gracious Rain gathered up a mob of friends and family and organized a huge party for the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows premiere. We bought out the whole theater–to be exact!  There were amazing treats and goodie bags, wonderful costumes and fabulous giveaways for everyone.

There were even a couple of…surprises!

While in the process of organizing our next crazy event, Deathly Hallows part 2–coming in July–I thought it might be fun to show you the official photos from the previous adventure. So there’s a new tab on the Gracious Rain site. It’s right there in the middle and it says, “GR Events.” Don’t be afraid…click on it. There are links there to the party photos, the sponsors websites and prize photos, as well as pictures of all the winners with their loot.

Check it out and tell us what you think. Can we throw a party…or what?

:} To go to the GR Events page click HERE. Hope you love it.

PS–Watch for the Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse party photos coming soon.