My Personal Trainer

100 Happy Days #19


I have a nice little workout routine that I try my best to do each morning. First I have a set of limbering exercises designed to strengthen my joints and muscles. Then, I usually walk on the treadmill for about 25 minutes. Granted, I don’t always accomplish everything that I’d like to every single morning, but you know…things get in the way now and then. But I do try.

Miss Chompy must have thought that I wasn’t working quite hard enough the other day, because while I was walking she was busy drawing a book for me…

of new exercises.

She said, “When you’re done with all that stuff you’re doing, I have a book of more work you can do. The pictures will show you how.”

Then she left me to get back to work.

Good thing I took my vitamins this morning.

Cause you know~ working with a trainer is tough business.

Heh, heh, heh.

Audience With the Princess

100 Happy Days #15


Perhaps it’s cheating to have my “happy days” photo be from a few months back–but I’ll defend myself by saying that I found these pictures today–and I smiled because they were just so much fun. Here’s the deal~

I came upstairs one morning a while back and found that Miss Chompy had lined up every pony, every Strawberry Shortcake person, every Carebear and well…every single mythical, magical creature that she could get her hands on…


not just on the banister, but on the chairs and across the floor. I took as many pictures as I could, but the best shots that explain it all–didn’t turn out. (My camera skills are somewhat lacking…still)

When I asked the girlie what was up with all her critter friends she looked at me like I had a blue face and said,

“Wellllll, Grammy–they’re in a big long line…

to see Princess Celestia.


And they’re going to have to wait a long, long time…

because she talks a lot.”

My kinda gal.



Monkey Biz

100 Happy Days #14

001Our littles are really enjoying the Curious George cartoons that are on Netflix these days. It is a soft, gentle, sometimes even a bit mushy show and I like it much more than I thought I would. But I confess–I love Miss Chompy’s picture of little George even more. A ton more, in fact.

Tell me, if you can, that this doesn’t make you happy too?


Ancient Hair Beads

100 Happy Days #2


Years ago, when my girlies were younger, they wore all kinds of pony tails–up, down, one, two, and side ways. Finally there came a day when they just didn’t use all the kid stuff to hold all that hair back, but for some reason, I just couldn’t part with the beads. I’ve kept them in a pretty jar with a bright pink lid, for years and years.

Now, to my delight, Miss Chompy can think of nothing better than to sit for an hour and string the beads to make a “beautiful necklace for Grammy.”

If only it would fit over my big old head.

A bracelet, perhaps?

Either way…it makes me happy.