Springtime Ruffle Hat

I know, I know. The Springtime thing is a bit elusive around these parts (more on that later)–

but by-dang, we’re going to be dressed and ready for it when it does show up.  Lily and Chompy have both needed a new girlie hat and this pretty little thing certainly worked just perfectly.

So the Springtime Ruffle Hat from Annie’s Attic became my busy fingers crochet project while we watched General Conference on TV.  I used my standard–Peaches and Cream cotton in white and by the time all four sessions were over…

Lily’s was finished.

Now, I know full well that both little ladies could end up wearing these pretty Easter hats in another Utah snowstorm…


but we’ll hope for the best.

A bit of chanting couldn’t hurt either.





Well Babies

So we wait, and wait for the sniffles and sneezes and coughing to back off a bit so that we can take the little people to the pediatrician for their “Well Baby” check ups. Funny how that works–isn’t it?

Beckham loved the tiny light that made his fingers glow…

and was good with sticking out his tongue and saying, “Ahhhh.”

But when the doctor said, “May I look in your ears for a second?” he wasn’t having any of it.

She checked his tummy and heart and reflexes just fine, but he spent the rest of the check up with his hand over his ear…you know, just in case.  Silly guy.

But Lily? She listened to her own heart, and stuck out her own tongue just at the right moment…

and giggled with the ear peeking and tummy rubs.

She loved it!

Now in the interest of full disclosure–I’ll admit, they didn’t really like the next part. You’ll notice that there are no pictures for their very first immunizations. That’s because I was on the “distraction committee” so that two three-year-olds didn’t turn into sixty-four wild hyenas.

Turned out–they were good little sports and got over the poke quite bravely.

Of course, Grammy’s bag of Jelly Bellys didn’t hurt one bit either.

Been around the block myself, you know.

heh, heh.


Happy Birthday Big Brother!

Happy Birthday Cynthia!


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Tink’s Fairy Cottage

Finally, finally finished…

and ready to be taken over by fairy folk.

And I dare say that as soon as Lily sees it, there will be pixie dust everywhere.

It has room to lounge around..

or to play Statue Maker in the corner…

or to just sit back and laugh your head off.

Whatever floats your boat.

With button closures to hold it together…

and a cozy pocket to keep everyone calm and collected and safe.  Kinda makes you want to be a fairy–doesn’t it?

Well, if you want to make a sweet little doll house, or barn or garage or fairy cottage–it’s really up to you—I found the instructions at UK Lass in US. Be sure to read through the directions a few times to get it all sorted out in your head. I made 3 at one time–so I’ll have to show you the other two…

as soon as I finish them.

So tell me…what do you think?
