Lily’s Raspberry Slippers

“Grammy. My feet are cold you know.”

“Are they, Lil?”

“Yes, Grammy. And that’s why I need new slippers now because my feet are bigger and I don’t have them.”

“Well, we can’t have that, now, can we?”

“Yes we can, because I need some…

But can you make bows so they don’t fall off again?”

“Anything for you my darling.”

“Thanks, Grammy. Now my feet will be so warm.”

“As they should be little Lily. As they should be.”

One Rainy Day

After days of rain…

the sun peeked out between all those clouds–for just a little minute. So Lily, Beckham and I rushed over to the school yard at the end of the block. We had the place completely to ourselves…

which meant that I could sit in the car with the doors open and just let them run and play. Yes, yes…I was being Lazy-Bones-Jones but they were happy–I was happy–so all was right with the world.

Then Beck rushed back to tell me something that he totally forgot by the time he got to the sidewalk…

and spied a row of teeny tiny ants–very, very interesting when you’re just 3 years old.

Very…very.  And while he was contemplating the little critters…

Lily ran back to the car with some treasures of her own…

just in the nick of time!


PS–the bald kid tells me–now that he’s left the valley–the rain should clear up soon. He swears it was only here because he and I  love it so much. I guess we’ll see.



:: The Magical Scrapbasket ::

It all started with a little girl who wanted to play in her mommy’s scrap basket for bit. It was great fun making scarves and headbands and bracelets…for about 10 minutes.

Then a very strange thing happened.

No on saw it coming.

The silly boys came along…

and changed the game entirely.

How it went from sashes and bows…

to ninjas and bad guys…

is a complete mystery to me…although, I think, perhaps it had something to do with the bearded one.

Lucky for us, that in their quest for complete world domination–even He-Man and Mighty Mouse have room for…

a properly placed Wood Sprite.

Smart guys.