Our sweet Jillian took a surprise trip to England last month to visit her dear friends Sarah and Hilda. It was pretty much a hush-hush sort of deal because she was planning to meet up with and totally surprise Dane in the airport in Georgia. We didn’t tell anyone that she was even taking this incredible trip to make sure that word didn’t accidentally slip back to Dane somehow and spoil the surprise.

Anyway–she took some amazing photos that I need–yes, need–to share with you guys. Remember how our family just got finished reading Bram Stoker’s Dracula? Well, our gal went to the actual place where some of the scariest stuff in the book actually happened…for real. No, I mean it.
Yes, yes. Sometimes I have a teeny, tiny bit of trouble distinguishing between reality and…fantasy. It’s a struggle.

In the book, one of the character–named Lucy, is being sucked in–ha ha–by the count himself. She starts wandering around in her sleep/trance, in the town of Whitby. These are the very stairs she climbed up in her creepy white gown in the middle of the night. Can you just picture it?

Her dear friend, Mina Harker chased her up these very stairs to try to stop her from meeting the nasty old Count Dracula again. Oh, he got her anyway.
Are you getting chills yet?

This is the very seat that Mina and Lucy sit on–in the incredibly creepy cemetery–to rest and chat a bit. I know I’d certainly want to sit in a really spooky cemetery for some nice, relaxing girl talk.

This is the very path they walked on while Lucy–unbeknownced to Mina–was slowly being turned into a vampire.

View from the middle of the incredibly creepy cemetery. The very one.

Now, I’m too scared to speak…
so I won’t.
Jillian says:
“Pointing out to my family just how cool this run down Whitby Abbey looks. It’s PERFECT for the Dracula city of Whitby. I highly recommend that book by the way. One good thriller!”

Go ahead. Read Dracula. It was fabulous and scared the heck out of me. Then come back here and see if these beautiful pictures don’t just make you shake…like…
the scary book wuss,

Click HERE to enter our Summer Readathon Giveaway!! You could win a copy of Dracula–and three other great titles for your very own!