It’s such an odd thing to wake up one day and find that my sweet little daughter…
is just not so little anymore. In fact, she’d transformed into a real, live fairy princess.
On this lovely day of her wedding to her sweetheart…
I hope you’ll forgive the obvious gaps and puckers in my photography. Oh, I did my best to capture so much that was wonderful about the day~
the beautiful decorations and pictures…
our sweet “babies” playing follow the leader…
patient, loving daughters…
a hardworking sister–who made the cake, btw…
and the dearest…
of eternal friends.
I couldn’t help but remember when Jillian was the little girl in the flowery, yellow dress–
being reminded over and over to keep those tiny fingers off Grampa’s pretty wedding cake.
But while I busied myself with snapping shots of as much of the day as I could…
there came a time when I had to pause and just watch for a moment or two…
or I would have missed my baby girl turning into a beautiful, grown-up lady…
right before my eyes.
And truly, no one should ever miss the chance to have a fairy princess take their breath away.
Be happy my darlings in your wonderful new life together. Happy honeymoon.
We love you.