Harry Potter Prize Stash

As you may remember–we have a huge Harry Potter Movie Premier party and show event coming up in July. So I just wanted to give you a small glimpse of some of our generous giveaway sponsors.

We have beautiful jewelry…

soft and fluffy scarves…

tiny little treasures…

incredible finger puppet sets…

and mystery prizes.

The mailman is getting a teensy bit cranky with us.

I guess he has no idea who he’s dealing with here!



Watch for our Premier Party and Show ticket giveaway—coming up.


The winner of our “One Thousand” Day Giveaway will receive: the book “One Thousand Gifts….

a one thousand piece Springbok puzzle…


a slightly over 1000 piece goodie pack of a few of my favorite indulgences. Yes, yes–it’s ridiculous, I know. But I never promised you sanity–did I?

And our illustrious, and very thankful winner is…….


Teresa Baker!!


Teresa Baker says:

“thankful for yard sales that make money for missions trips”


Congratulations Teresa!

Thank you everyone else for participating in our “1000 Day” Thankful Giveaway. This was so dang fun that I’m already planning the next one–so stay thankful and stay tuned!

“One Thousand” Day

Although you may not know it–

today is a holiday.

This day–March 31, 2011 marks my 1000th post on Gracious Rain.

That, my friends is a lot of writing.

In the time it has taken to write those 1000 posts we have had 1,391,123 total views.

That, my friends is a lot of reading.

To thank you all for your kind attention over the years—we’ve decided that a giveaway is in order. But not just any giveaway— a One Thousand Day Giveaway!! No, no–not for the thousand dollar bill–but better!  :}

The winner of this sweet little giveaway will receive:

1. “One Thousand Gifts: A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are” the best selling book by Ann Voskamp

2. “Candy Galore” 1000 piece puzzle by Springbok

3. 1000 pieces of something that I love—and I bet you’ll love them too. Trust me on this.

Now, then– all you have to do to enter this One Thousand Day giveaway is to tell us, in the comment section, something that you are thankful for. We’ll add each one to our Gratitude List and Quote Rotator.

Enter as often as you’d like–no limit! However–each entry must be a separate comment. Winner will be drawn next week on Friday, April 8 at 10:00 am.

Good luck my dah-lings and thanks so much for reading Gracious Rain.

We are grateful for you!


Happy Birthday Jesse!

Happy Birthday Susette!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Moda Fabric Winners!!


Beth says:

Love love love the Prep School Knockout! I’m a sucker for argyle!
Good luck with your quilt, my biggest downfall when it comes to quilting is keeping my seams accurate!



Molly says:

I am also a professional seam ripper, amateur sewer/quilter. :) I like grammy’s scrap basket. Good Luck on your quilting….I am continually impressed with you Anderson girls and mama!! Way to go!

Congratulations ladies!! Thanks everyone for entering the giveaway. Stay tuned. Another giveaway of magnamonious proportions coming up. Yes, I did make up that word. :}

Newbie Quilting and Giveaway

Day 1

Yes-sir-ee~I promised to try my shaky hand at making my very first quilted table runner for Valentine’s Day and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.  This beautiful pattern comes from the “21st Century Charm School” blog, and it’s called All Boxed Up.

Oh, and I am very brave–just so you know.

Felt pretty confident with this actually, I mean, after all–I’ve been sewing since I was a kid.  So what’s the big deal?

“Sew the squares together…” yeah, yeah.

Not so tough…

but wait!

What the HECK?! Why are my edges not matching up?!

The pattern says, “be sure to pin you pieces together as you sew, so that your edges don’t turn out uneven.”

Oh, surrrre. NOW you tell me. I’ve discovered that even if you read the instructions ahead of time, it’s very important that you then follow them.


Meet my little friend Jack…the seam ripper. We’re very close.

So by the light of the moon, we ripped…Jackie and I…and …

this is what straight edges look like. This girl can be taught.

Now I bet you’re thinking to yourself,  “Launi, what is your problem?! Why I could whip up one of these lovelies in twenty minutes.”

Well, here’s your chance to show me.

21st Century Charm School and Prairie Grass Patterns are giving away not one—but two– Table runner gift packs to two lucky readers! All the amazing MODA fabric you need to create your own beautiful-beyond-belief table runner!

To enter, click on either of the links above and go to the shop. Come back here and tell me which is your favorite pattern.  Then I hope you’ll wish me luck with my first quilting project. I’m gonna need it!

I’ll announce the winners on Friday morning, February 4th at 10:00 am.

Run, run. Fly, fly. Tweet. Facebook. Tell your friends. Enter. Enter.



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