HypnoBirthing Giveaway

HypnoBirthing is a wonderful way to learn the skills and techniques that can help expectant moms to have a calm, easy, comfortable, birthing experience. Sound too good to be true? Well the new Gracious Rain Giveaway should be very helpful then. The folks at HypnoBirthing are giving away the book, “HypnoBirthing–the Mongan Method,” along with a relaxation practice cd, so that some lucky person can learn how it works for themselves.

You don’t need to be an expectant mom to enter either. This would make a perfect gift for someone you know who would like to learn how to have a more gentle birthing experience.

Just leave a comment on this post and we’ll choose a winner at random on Friday June 5, 2009–at 10 am.

Good luck everyone!


If you’d like to learn more about HypnoBirthing, or would like to read over 50 lovely birth stories–or would like to sign up for a class just click on the HypnoBirthing tab at the top of the page.

We Have a Winner…

Congratulations to our White-White Flapper Hat Giveaway Winner—


Who said:

“The hat is just lovely! I am hoping this is the year I learn more about crochet…I love your blog! Great recipes, tutorials, and I love the Appreciating the Puddles section!”

Wahoo! I hope you love it!

Thanks for playing “Hat of Fortune” everyone.

Be sure to check back for our “Daddy’s Day Giveaway,” coming soon!

(Winner chosen by Random.org)


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Back in the olden days if a lady wanted a new hat–she simply went down to the milliner’s–that’s someone who makes hats—and had one made–especially for her.

These days if you need a hat, you go to Target or some other playful place and see what you can find. It’s not quite the same as having something made especially for you but where would you go to find a milliner in this century anyway?

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Well, from the looks of my sewing bag and my room—I’m about ready to hang a sign on the door with that very title on it. Or to be more easily understood by the general population, it would read: “Hatmaker.”

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For some odd reason, since I found this “Flapper Hat” pattern last week, I can’t seem to stop making them.

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Recently while cleaning out the closet, I found my beloved “Peaches and Cream” 100% Cotton thread stash. Something snapped…and the madness began.

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It’s the perfect size project to haul around and work on any time…any where–doctor’s offices, track meets, while watching a movie or to pass the time while waiting to pick someone up from somewhere.

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No matter how many other things were scrawled on the “to do” list–it was just so much more fun to make another hat.

Now, every time poor Lily walks past me, I’m yanking a hat down over her head–to make sure the size is working. It is. She’s a darn good sport–so far.

However, to be brutally honest, even Beckham wasn’t safe from the “let’s just see if this will fit…” fest. He was not a fan.

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So–help me out here. Besides decking out my grandbabies–I need a new purpose for the irrational cap-making behavior.

Tell me which of the four–not yet claimed by a local baby—that you like the best.

That should do it.

Now I’m off to make more…more…more…


Congratulations to our Gracious Giveaway winner:

Kim Chalfant

of California!

Kim is the winner of the Christmas Paper Goods Collection. Way to go Kim!

Thanks for entering everyone!