HypnoBirthing is a wonderful way to learn the skills and techniques that can help expectant moms to have a calm, easy, comfortable, birthing experience. Sound too good to be true? Well the new Gracious Rain Giveaway should be very helpful then. The folks at HypnoBirthing are giving away the book, “HypnoBirthing–the Mongan Method,” along with a relaxation practice cd, so that some lucky person can learn how it works for themselves.
You don’t need to be an expectant mom to enter either. This would make a perfect gift for someone you know who would like to learn how to have a more gentle birthing experience.
Just leave a comment on this post and we’ll choose a winner at random on Friday June 5, 2009–at 10 am.
Good luck everyone!
If you’d like to learn more about HypnoBirthing, or would like to read over 50 lovely birth stories–or would like to sign up for a class just click on the HypnoBirthing tab at the top of the page.