
Bibs 058

With Autumn coming on hard and fast in these parts—I thought I’d be clever and make an attempt to clean up the weedy garden so that the last of the zucchini and cucumbers and tomatoes could be picked and piled and brought inside one final time. The ground had been soaked the night before so the grass and weeds and spent plants pulled up very easily. I was making great progress and feeling quite pleased with myself. Just as I was about to move to the tomato row and continue on–while the garden was still in shade–a strange thought went through my head.  As clear and distinct as a bell the thought was, “Get some gloves on.”  Well, that wouldn’t be any real big deal except that I didn’t actually have any gloves. So I sat there, not really sure what to do.


Now understand that I’m a big believer in following impressions, the Spirit, my heart–however you are comfortable putting it. I’ve learned that things always, always turn out better if you listen when you are prompted. But the ground was soft, the shade was perfect and the weeds were willing to come out. I didn’t want to stop. Maybe I could just clear out this first tomato plant. Maybe I could just…I knew better.

Exasperated, I gathered up my tools and trudged into the house. After cleaning up I headed to the store to look for some gloves, but the season was over and there wasn’t even a garden section anymore.  I had to make do with some lame cloth work gloves–but it would be too late in the day to begin again anyway. The weeds would have to wait till tomorrow. Luckily, the ground was still relatively soft the next morning. With my silly work gloves on I was determined to finish the entire section and again, made great time. Clearing every blade of grass and weed away from the tomatoes I moved on to the zucchini, watermelon and pumpkins. Ok, I didn’t quite get to the cucumbers, but dang the garden looked good.

Bibs 054

So good in fact, that when my son-in-law came home from work that evening, I begged him to go clear out to the garden to see my work. Standing on the deck we waited while he walked around admiring the plants he could actually see now. As he leaned down close to the tomatoes, he reached down to pick one, but instead, he hollered, “Bring me a bucket!”

We did.

And this is what he found…

DSC06139A very, very Black Widow

At the base of the first tomato plant that I was trying to weed the day before, without gloves—and the same one that I had meticulously cleared that very day with gloves, sat a big, fat, creeptacular Black Widow. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that 51 year-old ladies really don’t want to get bit by Black Widows. It’s a policy we have. Luckily, the brave knight slew the dreadful Charlotte and all was well again in Zion. But I’ll tell you something–next time, when I hear a whisper,  I won’t argue for a second. I’ll just move.

And so you see, dear reader—that the moral of this story is:

All those good ideas, and epiphanies and warnings and nudges and nagging feelings that we have—all the time…

They are given to us for our own good—but can only help if we listen.

True story.

The End


Amazon Jungle

Something strange is afoot.

June 10 073

Remember the kind, sweet, garden we planted a couple months back?

June 10 081

See? There’s my tiny, little chamomile and my one, solitary petunia growing bravely by the rose bushes.

June 10 074

And remember the polite little peas all growing in a row? And the radishes? Well, never mind about the radishes.

Moving on…

May 31 047

Remember the pumpkins and the watermelon and zucchini and tomatoes?

Well, I do. They were all right here when we left for New York. Yessiree…right here where we put them.

We were told there was an unusual amount of rain while we were gone…

but we were NOT told  that some strange creature crept into the garden and planted the entire  Yucatan Rain Forest in our back yard. Yeah, that was a surprise.

No lie. We came home…

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to this…

misc 061

and this…

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and THIS. What the HECK! How did this happen?!

May 31 061

I’m told that there are likely zucchini the size of sea otters buried in this forest–and I’m gonna find ’em.  It may take muscles of steel and possibly sturdier knees than I currently possess, but we have to try.

So, we’re soaking down the jungle and I’m off to buy more gloves… and possibly a machete. For all I know, there could be man-eating pythons out there mingled with the pumpkin. I’ll bring pepper spray.

Do wish me luck…

…I’m going in.

Fairy Garden?

Have you seen the movie, “Fairy Tale?”

In it, two little girls discover a raft of fairies down by the river. They build them a tiny house and appease them with fairy cake–a favorite of fairies. Eventually the girls even take photographs of flitting fairies–baffling the whole world.

The movie also mentions that mushrooms and toadstools are magical fairy things. If it’s true–we have a busload of fairy dust floating around our place these days.

June 10 071

With four days of straight rain–toadstools and mushrooms are popping up everywhere–some in the middle of the yard all alone…

June 10 068

…most of them in little clusters.

The bald kid mows them down, and the next day…

They pop right back up—sometimes the size of dinner plates.

June 10 080

These brave souls have even formed themselves into a fairy ring.  In case you didn’t know,  a fairy ring is “the phenomena resulting from the dancing footsteps of fairies; a hallowed place to magical folk.”

Very cool.

Apparently you can get into big trouble for messing with or mowing down a fairy ring–like being stolen away into the fairy kingdom, never to return–that sort of thing.  I told the bald kid to mow around it, you know, just in case. I figured he’d feel pretty bad if they swiped him away to live with the sprites forever. He’s a big guy—Heaven only knows what they’d feed him.

He wasn’t afraid.

He said, “Bring it.”

June 22 080

This generation and their total disregard for things that really matter.


I believe I shall run and make some cake.

How about you—do you believe in fairies?

Playing in the Dirt…


We finally, FINALLY put our cute little garden in last week and just sat back to cross our fingers.


garden-011ornamental white mini pumpkin
garden-012ornamental regular mini pumpkin
garden-013regular big pumpkin–ok, we’re pumpkin freaks here. I know.



Bless their seedy-planty little hearts—they are growing! For those of you who are thinking, “DUH-what did you expect?” I’d say–whenever we bury a little seed or plant into the ground and it really actually grows–isn’t is still a wonder?

may-31-070Oh, I’m just so proud of you– you cute little radishes!

Tell the truth–when you plant a package of seeds don’t you go check every morning to see if something is poking it’s head up out of the dirt yet? And when you find some brave little sprout…aren’t you so excited and happy and…well….isn’t it just SO COOL?

Ok, I’m done.

My seed-dirt-plant-sprout worship session is over.

“Thanks for noticing me,” and my baby garden.

Tell me–What are YOU planting these days?

Nearly, Nearly…

Nearly a pink blossom

Nearly a graduate

Nearly a cozy fire

Nearly a peach

Nearly Summer

Nearly at the end

Nearly one year out

Nearly jam

Nearly fifty-one years old

Nearly perfect
