Can I Just Tell You?

We were totally and completely ready for this game. I mean, come on…we had BYU popcorn for Pete’s sake.

We had blue and white sprinkled maple donuts.

And best of all, we made a busload of blue and white Marshmallow Treats…thank you, 800 boxes of Smurf cereal.

Oh, we were ready, all right. In fact, we were so ready…

that Miss Chompy even had a “Y” in her hair. We were as ready as we could possibly get.

Sadly, the team wasn’t ready. In fact, they didn’t seem to remember what game we were even playing. Soccer? Baseball? Rugby? Tag?

“Worse game ever played in BYU history.”

They didn’t need to say that…we watched it.


Maybe we can use all that Smurf cereal for the Patriot game.

go. blue….


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Toddler Football

“Come on, Chompy. I’ll show you how to play real football.”

“O-tay, Bettum.”

“First, get down, like this and wait till I say, ‘go.'”

“O-tay, Bettum.”

“Now chase me and pretend you’re going to catch me.”

“O-tay, Bettum.”

“Tarrrr-ry, Bettum.”

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Things To Love…

right this minute…

A two year old who loves her kitty more than she fears getting an occasional reminder that sometimes pets wear an invisible “do not disturb” sign around their necks.

The ridiculous Blue Jay that keeps coming back–terrorizing all the smaller birds–but lovely to watch anyway in all his enormous splendor. Seriously, this guy is a big as a chicken. He can’t even sit on the bird feeder because he’s too huge. Silly thing.

This gentle little lady who sits patiently till the blue guy leaves and then waits until all the little birds come back–before hopping down to join them. So sweet.

Yesterday’s pretty clouds that rained just enough to give us…

this beautiful rainbow. Do you suppose a pot of gold could be inside that building on the mountain? It sure looks like it to me. :}

That I was smart enough to take a picture of last season’s football donuts from Krispy Kreme, that the new guy behind the counter said he’d never heard of. Hmph.

Dude. Don’t mess with my football donuts!

That we have one of the biggest games of the year on Saturday–a sort of “Holy War,” if you will.

Go BYU!!

There will be NO wearing of red in this house I tell you.


Nachos at our place.


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True Fans

We are so excited!! Because…

our beloved football is BACK!!

What’s right in your world today?

:}                                                                                                                                                                          561

Off Season

A funny thing happens around here this time of year.

Superbowl is over. No more Patriots. No more Vikings. No more football…

at least on T.V. that is.

I must admit—the best part of this cherished “Iron Giant vs. The Smurfs” playoff…

is having front row seats on the 50 yard line…

and all the Cheetoes we can eat.

:] heh, heh… I mean rah-rah!