My Boy’s Bucket List

When my Daney-boy told me that he was taking is sweet little family to Boston–AND to his first actual Patriot’s game–well, I knew something special was in order. I grabbed the appropriate colors of my favorite Caron yarn and got to work. With three different patterns and some embroidered patches from Ebay, Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear had some awesome new hats for the special day.

As you can see–they were a hit!!

Of course the Patriot’s did their part too and put on an unforgettable show right where my boy could see it, up close. Good job, Tom Brady!

Colts 24 / Patriot’s 38

“Take family to Patriot’s game–”



double check.

Super Bowl 2015


Having been around a little bit of football in my day, it must be concluded that…


Superbowl is a pretty big deal in these parts.


Such a big deal in fact, that once the people started arriving and the food was spread out, I stopped taking pictures, because, well because I was watching the game.


But this was a very interesting year because we are across the board–big Patriots fans.


But there are a few among us who adore the Seahawks too. And that’s perfect.


Then of course, we have the Viking fans…

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and the BYU fans all mixed up in one room. But it was after all, football and seriously, for people like us, no matter what the colors…

that’s enough.

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A Teeny Tiny Football Day

Our house was waaaay up from the beach so when I watched these guys doing that which they always do–throwing a football–they were so far away that I could barely see who was who. After zooming in and cropping, this is what we get…that is until the Bald Kid went behind the cliff and I couldn’t see him anymore.

Maybe if you scroll through fast, it will look like a flip book or something.

No matter where we go,

or how long they’ve been apart…

some things…

between these boys…





Oh, how I love them.



The bald kid on the other side of the world, sent me this photo today and for those of you who haven’t already heard my favorite story–I’ll explain. This boy of mine is certainly not having the typical missionary experience.

Kazakhstan is a place where the missionaries can’t do a lot of the regular things a missionary would do because it is a Muslim country and their laws forbid it. So, in order to not be offensive in any way to the people or their culture, the guys have had to find other ways to make friends and provide service to those that they meet. The Mission President gave the guys permission to enroll in the university and take some classes on the Kazakh language. So, one afternoon the guys wander out to the sports field and see all these guys running around all crazy-like on the field. They told our boys that they were playing “America Football.”  When the players found out that the Bald Kid was actually from America and had seriously played football–they went berserk…

and made him…

the coach…

in a shirt and tie.

I think it’s safe to say that he’s having the time of his life.

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