Twilight Movie Night

The Twilight Movie Premiere was fabulous! Even though the entire event took place long after everyone’s bedtime–it was a great adventure. Anyway, shouldn’t you watch a vampire movie at midnight? So…after loading up on popcorn, Twizlers and Fudge at the MegaPlex 17 we headed into the theaters. As far as I could tell, no one slept through any of the show-even though Rhen (who hasn’t even read the book–can you believe it? ) was sure he would. It was a great movie with the audience screaming and squealing at just the right moments. And Edward? Yikes…he is handsome.

Our Twilight Movie Winners

Lynnette and Carly Hughes

Carly, Stacey and Lynnette Hughes

At the Twilight Movie Opening Night


We are pleased to announce that the winner of the Twilight Movie Ticket Contest is—-

Lynnette Hughes of Grantsville, Utah

Congratulations Lynnette! Watch for an email with details on how to get those cool tickets in your hot little hands.

Our new contest will begin next Monday–so check back for your chance to win!

Twilight Movie Ticket Contest…

This is the last week of our Twilight Opening Night Movie Ticket Contest. The next contest we do will have a shorter name…I swear. Anyway, we’ve had a great response to our soup, stew, and chili recipe entries, but now–we’re going to make it even easier for you to enter to win a night out with the vegetarian vampires. You can still send in a recipe, or link to this site to receive an entry, but here’s another–simple way.

This week, all you have to do is comment to this post and your name will be entered in the contest. Now, I ask you–how much easier can it get?

Remember–this is the last week to enter and the winner will be chosen this Friday, November 14, at 5:00pm. So comment, link or send in soup…recipe, not soup…and you could WIN!!

Do it, do it, do it…

See you there!

Twilight Movie Contest!

We are so excited to announce our TWILIGHT Movie Contest. Read all about it and enter, enter, enter! Tell all your friends. The lucky winner will be our guest at the opening night showing in Jordan Commons, Sandy, Utah.