Things To Love…

right this minute…

A two year old who loves her kitty more than she fears getting an occasional reminder that sometimes pets wear an invisible “do not disturb” sign around their necks.

The ridiculous Blue Jay that keeps coming back–terrorizing all the smaller birds–but lovely to watch anyway in all his enormous splendor. Seriously, this guy is a big as a chicken. He can’t even sit on the bird feeder because he’s too huge. Silly thing.

This gentle little lady who sits patiently till the blue guy leaves and then waits until all the little birds come back–before hopping down to join them. So sweet.

Yesterday’s pretty clouds that rained just enough to give us…

this beautiful rainbow. Do you suppose a pot of gold could be inside that building on the mountain? It sure looks like it to me. :}

That I was smart enough to take a picture of last season’s football donuts from Krispy Kreme, that the new guy behind the counter said he’d never heard of. Hmph.

Dude. Don’t mess with my football donuts!

That we have one of the biggest games of the year on Saturday–a sort of “Holy War,” if you will.

Go BYU!!

There will be NO wearing of red in this house I tell you.


Nachos at our place.


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Out In the Garden

Chompy, Beany and I took a stroll out into the garden–such as it is. To be honest, we didn’t expect much from the silly, weedy thing. It’s been a funny season–wet, dry, hot, windy and then it all starts over again. The poor plants seemed confused as to what we actually wanted from them.

So it was a fun surprise to find that a fair bit of parsley and dill made it through to the sunlight…

as well as a few peppers, onions, garlic and…yes, a handful of tomatoes…four.

Luckily, the zucchini is always an over achiever…

along with a few hidden cucumbers–found just in the nick of time.

Miss Chompy helped me gather the rest of the strawberries–but they didn’t “keep.” Not a single one made it from the patch to the house.

Don’t look at me…she was holding the pail.

Not such a bad haul–when you think that we expected nothing at all. Looks like it’s back to the farmer’s market for us. Tomatoes, pears, apples and perhaps another lug of peaches…because we’ve already proven…

they don’t keep either.  :}

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Chompy Dolittle

While Mommy was getting a few errands finished today–Chompy and I strolled down to the pet store–where she B-lines it straight to…the kittens. She loves them and this little guy loved her right back–through the glass.

I told her this little puppy was called a “Pug,” and she said, “I can like a Pud.”

She was a bit braver than I am about all the aquarium critters–that creep me out. She stuck her face right up there by a 90 foot Salamander. Blaugh…

Turtles are better…but still…I’m going to hang back here a bit.

Now we’re talking. Chompy and I love birds and this little blue lady was amazing. I always have this overwhelming urge to open all the cages and shout, “Fly…fly!”

But so far…I’m not brave enough…

to spend the night in jail.

These four baby love birds were so adorable all huddled together and timid.

This seems to be where we came in—doesn’t it? Chompy and her kittens. She said we need to come back tomorrow or the kitty would miss her and cry.

Of that…I have no doubt.

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The Big Show

I suppose some may think that it’s a tragic day…

when you want nothing more than to put on a sweet little puppet show

so you gather your puppet friends and get everyone ready…

but your only audience turns out to be…

the cat.

And even he isn’t particularly respectful…

of the time and talent it takes to put on such an amazing show.

In fact, Mr. Beany slept through it all…

even the solo number.

Alas~ true artists are never appreciated in their own hometown.

But in the end, we did learn one important fact.

Apparently Harry Potter and Edward Cullen get along just fine–ask Ernie and Bert.

We love you WeeKnit!

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