Bird Watching Buddies

 We finally took a minute to refill the bird feeders last night, Miss Chompy and I.

It’s been a while and they were wondering if we’d moved to Portugal or something.

So, naturally I was excited to show the girly-girly how many birds discovered their breakfast on our deck this morning.

She gets such a kick out of watching our little flighty friends, but I couldn’t find that chicky anywhere.

It’s really so much more fun to hang out with someone who positively, absolutely LOVES these birdies–like I do.

Ah, well. Guess that works too.

Heh, heh.

4 Replies to “Bird Watching Buddies”

  1. Can’t say I’m much of a bird watcher but we do love to see who comes to dinner when my dad fills his feeders. I’m more of a bird listener – I can hardly wait for things to cool down a bit so I can throw the windows open in the mornings and have our choir of meadow larks and friends accompany my morning chores. Those sweet songs seem to set the world right.

  2. Yeh..birds around here fill our BBQ’s with straw and make their little nests on top. The little eggs just cook from the sun. It’s sad.Not sure how I should keep that from happening next year. Maybe I’ll just tape off the sides. Birds are cute, but around here they’re better off somewhere else. Too many cats. 😀

  3. We started really watching them when I bought a different brand of bird seed that I usually do. All of a sudden, we had the most incredibly colorful birds with all kinds of personality flocking all over the place. And I didn’t even mean to do it. But listening to them–that sounds like a lovely thing too. We’ll have to try that in a month or so. Thanks for sharing this. :}

  4. I like where the bird feeders are; it’s fun to see all sorts of different birds and how they interact with each other. Baby Chomp has really enjoyed it too. I love that when the seeds are low, she says she needs to help you fill them. 🙂 Thanks for helping her love birds like you do!

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