Flower Power

We took the babies to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival for the first time in our livin’ lives. It was a lovely, lots of walking, flowery adventure. We saw pink tulips…

and crashing waterfalls,

yellow daffodils,

and secret gardens.

We saw orange and purple tulips…

and a cliff-dwelling mama owl.

We saw a sleepy baby Chompy…

and more tulips!

These were some of the really fancy ones–inside–entered in a competition for the most beautiful flower in the universe.

…although we did have a couple of our own…

and they were “blooming” cute.

Sorry, couldn’t help myself.



Happy Zucchini Bread Day!

This Moment…

Our Saturday joy. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.

A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for us.

Baby Ambassadors

The other day, we had surprise visitors from a faraway land.

Lily-chan sang and danced for us…

and Beckham-lin shared his ancient words of wisdom.

Even Chompy was impressed with their command of the language.

In one bonding moment, our guest let the bald kid try on his cap.

With ambassadors like these, peace and goodwill have a sporting chance…

at least in these parts.

Live long and prosper.

Magic String…

Remember this pretty stuff that we found for $1 last year at JoAnn’s? I’m always amazed at how a silly piece of string can magically transform into something soft and warm…

The green and pink were used to make the baby lambys–yeah, that’s how I spell it–a while back. Remember?

Well, the grey and the gold have worked up nicely…

into toboggan hats for our Lily and Beckham…

and the pink one is for the Chompy–so soft and sweet.

And all from a silly piece of string.

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Oh, and happy Groundhog’s day!!