A Walk Through The Yard

This season, this Autumn stuff–the vibrant colors, the crisp bite in the morning air and the cinnamony scent to the whole world, can just never arrive soon enough for me.

I wander around the yard thinking, “that’s right leaves–turn burnt orange, and brick red…

and bright, fiery yellow.

And by all means, when you’re finished, feel free to fall to the ground.

I love Autumn so much. Everything about it– the cooling and the colors and the falling.


I want to say to all the still-green-stuff-that-won’t-let go, “Oh, my word, could we just get on with it!”

Lucky for me, someone else is in charge of it all and sometimes that means we get to move slowly, carefully, gently, from one lovely phase to another.

In the end, it’s a good thing that I’m not in charge.

Just think what we’d miss.


~30 Days of Thankful~


Things I’m Loving…

right this minute…

Pumpkins! They’re everywhere and I adore them. Normally, we have a bunch in our garden, and then on our porch, but our garden this year…now there’s a sad story. So I deeply appreciate all the folks who are stepping up and decorating the town with those lovely, autumn pumpkins. I’m sure they’re doing it just for me.  Heh, heh.

Seeing that sweet little friends can easily turn into family. I can’t wait to see all these pretty kids in 10 years!

Collecting fun stuff for our next big movie party that I’m not allowed to advertise.

Email me if you’d like the details.  :}

Pretty little knotted bracelets for the same event. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

Watching handsome old Tom Brady play a great game of football, even if they…



Finding another picture of my “dream house” and wondering if it only exists on a Thomas Kincade calendar page.

A little dude with some new toothies to go with that fabulous naturally pokey hair.

Reorganizing my cotton yarn stash so that every time I walk past, it makes me smile.  :}

A new pile of Autumn books to read to the kiddos, from Scholastic Book orders. Those papers are soooo dangerous in my hands. Seriously, how can anyone resist all these cool books?

Finding the perfect place for a pile of acorns that we found at the park.

Oh, I just LOVE this time of year.

Don’t you?

In the Air

I went outside this morning as usual and noticed that distinct Autumn nip in the air. You know the one, where you can’t tell if you need sandals or wooly socks, long sleeves or short…coat or no coat.

Oh, there are other signs that our beloved Autumn is here, to be sure. One being–apples everywhere. I would need boxes and boxes of these ones to make me perfectly happy.

Somehow we can’t seem to get enough and at the rate we’re eating them, we should be keeping the “…doctor away” for the next decade or so.

Then, of course, with the lowering temperatures comes casserole season, because at last, at last it’s actually wonderful to walk past a warm oven.

Another symptom, for me anyway is that I can’t seem to crochet fast enough. In fact, I wouldn’t think of going anywhere, upstairs, downstairs, in the car, or visiting without a project bag slung over my shoulder. This little thingy is a new afghan for the boy and his cute little wife…more on that as it progresses. :}

Molasses cookies–even ones that flattened too much and spread all over the place–are an absolute must this time of year too. It’s a Halloween thing because my mama used to make them, and so I must too–even if I seem to be the only ones around here eating them. Fine. By. Me. Hee hee.

(In case you’re wondering, I put the dough in the fridge for a few hours and the rest of the cookies behaved themselves just beautifully.)

Even Miss Fussy-Britches, Jiffy is looking for just the right spot of coveted sunshine on my bed to curl up in–before Beany beats her to it. It’s a Fall thing.

And the best Autumn clue of all would be the glow in the dark skeleton jammies for Mr. Magoo. Why this poor boy is all skin and bones! Baahaha.  You may have noticed that my Autumn assessment has not included any leaf changing. I’m afraid that will have to wait until the trees in the yard actually get the message and turn. For now, it’s apples and blankets and fuzzy socks and warm snuggly babies to help us welcome the changing season.

That’s ok.

It’ll do.

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Last Hurrah

The other day at Riverwoods Farmer’s Market we found a few hints of the last bits of summer still around…

 like warm fountains to toss pennies to…

and bright, happy flowers to breathe in…

and water sprays to soak your toes and fill your bag with…

and spooky old Zoltar to get your fortune from…

and even more waffles to nibble on.

I don’t mind one bit that the evenings are getting cooler and the sun is sinking faster in the sky. Summer is lovely, of course… but I’m a much bigger fan of Autumn…

and to look at those mountains–we won’t be waiting long.