This Autumn Yard


You are most likely thinking, “Enough with the posts about leaves already.” So, instead lamenting about all those crazy things that have been raked up twice already, I’ll show you what was hiding in that dreadful patch of weeds out there to the right.

These cute little baby pumpkins were just lurking there in the shadows, no doubt waiting for someone to discover them…too late for Halloween, but just in time to add that lovely harvest-y feeling to the Thanksgiving week.


Aren’t they just gorgeous?


Beats all the new leaves in the front yard.


Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

Leaf Magic


When you have an over achieving willow tree, like we do, you get very used to seeing these leaves on the ground, on the driveway, in the grass, on your car, in your hair. Trust me they are all over the place.


But when you also have an over achieving boy, who makes a game out of raking the darn things up…


he makes sure that you can see the lawn again, even if it’s only for about 15 minutes. Dang, silly, weeping tree.


But this boy doesn’t mind, because he can make a train load of leaves disappear in minutes…

like magic.


Probably because he’s part elf.

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Pumpkin Surprise


The garden this year was a bust. It all got carried away and went totally out of control. I’d show you a picture, but it was too embarrassing. Besides, who takes a picture of a patch of 4 foot tall weeds? Honestly.


But then a funny thing happened. Once the temperature dropped and the nasty things started dying back, we found a few stalwart, brave pumpkins hiding in the forest, no doubt, hoping with all their pumpkin might, that we wouldn’t come out and torch the whole place. Isn’t that what farmers do to kill weeds?


We’ll work harder next year. No, I mean it. There was just something goofy about the plot this time. It was like a garden possessed.

But nice to know that even under all the weeds-gone-wild, a few pretty little things can still wait patiently, hiding out until we find them.