Quilty Girl

I’ve been away from this space for a bit with my smarty pants daughter April–at the International Quilt Market in Houston, Texas. We had an amazing time but sadly, neither of us brought a camera–assuming, of course, that the other one surely had. Oooooh, bad form, I know. SO, I’ll have to see what I can come up with from Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and whatever else I find, to share some of our adventure.


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Let’s pretend for a moment that I am an avid quilter and I just saw these two lovely magazines on the stand at the store.

“My, my,” I would say, “just look at that beautiful quilt on the cover there.

Someone very clever must have made that.

Someone very clever indeed, to have her own design and quilt work featured in a national magazine…

oh, wait…

I mean, in two national magazines…at the same time. “


Now let’s pretend that I’m actually a lot of things but one of them is not an avid quilter.

In fact, let’s pretend that I’m just a lady with a huge love and appreciation not only for the beautiful quilting craft…

but for an incredibly talented daughter as well.

Congratulations honey. We’re so proud of you.



See more of April’s designs at Prairie Grass Patterns

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Crocheted Fabric Caddies

There’s a perfectly good reason why I was A.W.O.L. yesterday–and I’ll show it to you.

Ta-DA! I trust me when I say that these little cuties kept me quite busy–all the live-long day.

It was all for a noble cause too. You see, April and I decided a few weeks ago to enter the Moda Bake Shop Sliced Contest.

I think they might have had some sort of quilting project in mind, but you know me. If I can find a way to crochet something, I’ve just got to do it. Then, suddenly there were all these strips of fabric in front of me…

and one great, big blue hook with absolutely, positively nothing to do.

Now, there’s a chance that the judges will look at my sweet little caddies and say, “What the heck–this chick crocheted our fabric! What was she thinking?”

Well, I’ll tell you what I was thinking. I was thinking that there were already a ton of people sewing with their fabric, but no one else in the contest, as far as I could tell, was goofy enough to try this approach.

Oh, I do hope that’s a good thing. In fact, I hope that they love these sweeties so much that they say, “These are exactly what we are looking for! Come and let us give you 10 million dollars, and a trip to Paris!!”

Yeah…that would be nice.

Ummm…perhaps I have this contest mixed up with something else.

So Lovely

I must confess–I’m quite new to the idea of machine quilting. I mean, honestly, in my day quilting something meant tying yarn knots all over the darn thing till it held together. But nowadays–that’s just not good enough for these beautiful quilts. My daughter, April has made the leap and started machine quilting with her very own machine!

And get this–every…single…stitch is hand guided–no computerized patterns going on here! Each one she finishes is simply breathtaking. So much time. So much work. So much gorgeousness. Is that a word?

I’m so pleased to show you some of her incredible work and I hope you’ll pop on over to her site to see more of it. You’ll likely faint from the beauty of it all.

Oh, and if you have a masterpiece–from table runner to California King–that you’d like professionally machine quilted…trust me…

she’s your girl–at Prairie Grass Patterns.

Just remember, I knew her first.
