A Whale’s Gratitude–For Real

I rarely post stories like this because I like to be responsible enough to credit the author. Someone sent me this awhile back and sadly, we have no idea who wrote the original article. If it is you–please let me know and I’ll be happy to credit you with this fabulous piece. Today–April Fools Day felt like the perfect time to tell a wonderful story that unlike many things you’ll hear today–is actually true.  It’s a good reminder to all of us that showing love and gratitude is one of the most important things we can do in this life.


…The Whale… If you read a recent front page story of the San Francisco Chronicle, you would have read about a female humpback whale who had become entangled in a spider web of crab traps and lines. She was weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, a line tugging in her mouth.

A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farallon Islands (outside the Golden Gate) and radioed an environmental group for help. Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.

When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles. She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushed them gently around as she was thanking them.

Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives. The guy who cut the rope out of her mouth said her eyes were following him the whole time, and he will never be the same.

May you, and all those you love, be so blessed and fortunate to be surrounded by people who will help you get untangled from the things that are binding you. And, may you always know the joy of giving and receiving gratitude.

I pass this on to you, my friends, in the same spirit.

It’s a good life


Happy Birthday Emily!

Masha and the Bear

We have quite a fair bit of Russian going on at our house these days.

Since the bald kid has less than a month before he enters the Missionary Training Center (MTC) and he wants to have as much of the language under his belt as possible.

Good idea I reckon.

Here’s my favorite little show he’s been watching and trying to translate.

You really should hear the big guy sing along with Masha. You’d never be the same again!

Watch “Dane’s Wish

Join Dane’s Charity Water Campaign

A Giveaway For the Birds~

So to speak.

Been into the idea of raising chickens lately. I’m determined to learn allll about it and become a pro–even if it’s just in theory for now.  Think about it–I mean seriously, how much more down to earth can you possibly get?

Anyway, that’s my goal…

So, in my chicken education process–I came across this fabulous giveaway, for those of you with hens in your life already, or for those of you who’d like to begin someday…along with me. It’s for a beautifully made nesting box that will accommodate about 12 hens–so that should about do it for me–if I win, that is.

If you’d like to enter or just check it out–go HERE.

Giveaway ends on September 17, 2010…so hurry. You might just be on the verge of something…


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Taking It Slow

Road Trip Day 3

No huge plans for today. Just kinda hangin’ out…

taking it easy…

entertaining the short folks.

However–you can only be locked up in a hotel room with 3 toddlers for so long before you need to find a big, huge park for them to run in.

So we did.

One with tons of very friendly squirrels…

who liked the peanuts we tossed…a lot.

I don’t think I’ve actually seen a squirrel up close before. Chipmunk–yes. Prairie dog–yes. Squirrel–not so much. I’m sure we have squirrels in Utah–but they must be invisible, because I’ve never seen one.

It even had a fountain for toe dipping—but it wasn’t enough to just get our feet wet. So we went back…

changed our duds…

and jumped in the pool!

Some of us were very brave.

Some of us were very chilly.

Some of us were too dang cute.

And some of us were just too tired.

Warm. Wet. Healthy. Happy.

Heaven indeed.

Beauty and the Beast

For years and years, this grumpy old thing has been terrorizing the planet. “Young children and woodland creatures beware,” we’d say. “This isn’t your average nice kitty.”

He was even known in some circles as…

The Dog Slayer.

But that was…


Before this little lady came along…

who just wanted to love him…

and trust that deep, deep inside his ancient, cranky self…

that his heart was truly…

kind and good.

And now, magically…

so it has become.



Click HERE to enter our Summer Readathon Giveaway!!