Blueberry Bomb

This post–my friends, is what we affectionately call…

a puddle. Read on. You’ll see what I mean.

Since we had all of these luscious, beautiful blueberries–no, I didn’t pick them, they don’t grow well in Utah I’m told– Costco, thank you very much…

I decided to make something equally luscious and beautiful out of them. The plan was for Blueberry Smoothie Popsicles. Aren’t they pretty?

I set up the fruity, popsicley photo shoot and tried to be very creative so that everyone on earth would want to make them. It was wonderful and all was right with the world.


I bit one.

Yeah, pretty much tastes like…

well, dirt. This time, I mean it.

So, out of love and respect for you, dear reader, I won’t be posting this particular recipe until I tweak it and smack it around a bit and make the silly thing behave. THEN and only then will I share it with you.

No, no. This is for your own protection.

So in the mean time…enjoy the pictures and try to imagine they taste like something…


Hopefully, the next time you see the creepy things they actually will.

Fingers crossed.

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7 Replies to “Blueberry Bomb”

  1. Aww… they do look pretty though. I wonder if it needs to be a mixed fruit recipe to help the taste?

  2. Thanks for doing the test drive my friend. Will be anxiously waiting for the new and improved version.

  3. No–but there was apple juice. It was mostly the flecks of blueberry peel. You may not notice them in a smoothie–but in a popsicle it was nasty.

  4. I’m proud of you for posting… even when the recipe didn’t turn out just how you planned. The pictures, on the other hand, look REALLY great! 😀 With your resourcefulness… I’m sure you’ll figure out a delicious blueberry popsicle recipe soon! 🙂

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