I was just dinking around on YouTube the other day and found the opening theme songs to some reeeeally old—and I’m not kidding—TV shows. Now, I realize that these critters truly date me in a pretty unflattering way, but I’m a sturdy mountain woman. I’ll handle it. Besides, it will be so good for all you “youngsters” to see what was on TV back when there were 5 channels and most of the them were in black and white. Besides, they’re pretty funny–in a lame sort of way.
Here’s the first one:
The Patti Duke Show (Click on the link)For those of you who don’t know who Patti Duke is, she played Helen Keller in the movie, “The Miracle Worker,” and is also the mom of Sean Astin (Sam in “Lord of the Rings”) and Mackenzie Astin (Iron Will)
These sincerely, were some of our favorite shows. Are you jealous?
Try this one: The Winchell Mahoney Show
Do you recognize his voice? In his later years, “Winch” was the voice of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.
So, after you watch these clips–I expect you all to go to the “happy list” and write about how much you love your color tv and your channels and your cable…bla, bla, bla..
And me…I think I’ll go find Gilligan’s Island….or something.
Ahhh…television at it’s finest hour.