This, my friends is our little Mr. Hobbes. A few days after we got Lyla– Rhen walked through the door with this little imp–and oh–myyyyy…what fire cracker he is!
In fact, he wasn’t in the house 5 minutes before he—well, see for yourself.
He pounced on poor Lyla before she had a chance to introduce herself. I could just hear her mumbling, “How rude!” as she walked away from this uncultured ruffian.
All in all, I do believe these two l will be great friends. Someday in a year or two, Lyla– being 3/4 Maine Coon, will likely be much bigger than Hobbes. That seems like a dirty trick on the one hand. On the other–it might just even the score.
Either way, this little guy doesn’t seem too worried about it.
Welcome Mr. Hobbes.
We sure do love you!