A Stroll Out Back

While the inside of the house is being made…ahem…more presentable, how would you like to see the back? Hmmmmm?

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I have to admit, this was one of the big selling points of the house, for me. A large, sprawling backyard, with a pretty little (huge) walnut tree in the middle.

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Apparently  the place hasn’t had real people in it for years, so there are some bushes and tree limbs that are totally out of control. But just look at that cute, ancient, hand carved rooster windmill! He’s so sweet.

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Someone has been taking care of the yard for the previous owners, but still it has this quiet, untouched feel to it.

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In fact, I think the critters are so used to this place being human-free that they are startled by us being there at all.

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The birds swoop down like they’re trying to scare us out of their secret garden. Just this morning a mom and daddy quail ran right under the fence with their 9 babies like they were being chased–which they were certainly not. I would have been happy to watch them all morning.


Then there is the most mysterious looking shed or workshop or something off to the side that we couldn’t even unlock before we bought the place. We just got to wonder about it.

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Word is, that the family who built the house actually lived in this little place as a temporary house until the main one was finished. When we finally got the door open, it was dark and full of spider webs. I wasn’t too brave about it, but the Bald Guy will most likely search and destroy the creepy crawlies soon enough. Then we’ll see what’s in there.

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There was no sign of a formal garden spot or fruit trees, but there are lovely flowers popping up around the edges here and there every day. It’s almost as if they are trying to surprise us…which of course, they do.


And can I please talk to you about ROCKS?! This fellow must have been a crazy rock collector because there are gigantic ones of every kind imaginable, all over the front and back. It’s nuts.


We aren’t even moved in yet but sometimes I just go out and sit in a chair in the back and breathe it all in.

It’s just so beautiful.

And it’s…


Gr Signature


One Reply to “A Stroll Out Back”

  1. I’m so glad you have a beautiful secret garden to call your own. That shade is awesome! 🙂

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