Miss Chompy For President~

sort of.


A few weeks ago, my daughter Lyndi took Miss Chompy to one of our favorite local pizza places– Brick Oven, in Provo. While there, she snapped this picture of our little cutie seriously contemplating that cherry from the top of her sundae. Little did we know that a few weeks later Brick Oven would be having a Facebook Photo Contest–with lovely, enormous, and very tasty prizes for whichever photo could get the most votes. So of course, we’re in!

It’s simply a matter of clicking HERE and then clicking the stars at the bottom right below the photo. That’s it. Simple right? And get this–you can vote every. single. dang. day. for the next 10 days–if you want. Think of the possibilities!!

So, my friends–what do you say? Will you do it? Please?!

I know, I know…it’s not life or death.

But hey…

it’s pizza.

And that’s pretty darn close.

Heh, heh, heh.

If you’d like to vote for our sweet Miss Chompy  and win our undying love– just click HERE.

One Reply to “Miss Chompy For President~”

  1. Awww… you’re the best! If we win, we’ll take you with us to Brick Oven to celebrate! đŸ˜‰ Thank you SO much for posting about this. How fun!

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