The 24th of July

24th of July neighbor

Our neighborhood puts on quite a show for Pioneer Day. They call it “Cul de sac of Fire” even. It’s a big, huge deal and my big huge confession is…

24th of July 2013

that I missed it altogether. April, Jacob, Lily, Beckham, Jillian, the Bald kid and I were up in the hills at a huge pioneer celebration–more on that later. But it’s nice to know that the show always goes on back home…no matter what. Food, fireworks, games, and sparklers. Pretty darn hard to beat…

keni 24th of July

even if Miss Chompy isn’t a fan.

Heh, heh, heh.

One Reply to “The 24th of July”

  1. The neighborhood does a good job having fun altogether for both the 4th and the 24th, don’t they?

    I can’t wait to read more about what YOU were doing instead!

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