Waffle Love

Sooooo….we have a new friend, Lyndi, Miss Chompy and I…

and it comes in a great big, adorable truck…

with a very clever fellow inside named Adam. You wanna know just how clever Adam is?

This my friends, is how clever. Peaches and Cream Belgian Waffles, made fresh while you wait. And you must trust me when I say that these are the very best Belgian Waffles we’ve ever tasted…ever.

We found him just the other day at the Riverwoods Farmer’s Market in Provo and…well…

we haven’t been the same since. And it’s not just Peaches and Cream either. This guy has all kinds of fruits and berries and even…brace yourself…Nutella. No, I’m not kidding.

In fact, we came home and looked them up on Facebook and discovered that we could find out where the Waffle-Love folks were going to be the next day…and every day of the week for that matter. Why…just think of the possibilities!!

One day the Waffle-Love truck will be at the Farmer’s Market, the next day they may be in the canyon at Vivian Park and the next day they’ll be hanging out serving breakfast at Bradbury Apartments in Provo. You just have to check their site and you could become a Waffle Stalker…




Lyndi says she’ll make T-shirts…

Dude. We are in so much trouble.

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