Valentine Swap

Here’s the cool loot that came in the mail from the current blog swap over at “the Mommy Files.”

My partner for the swap was the one and only Shannon herself–the sweetheart that sets all these fun things up in the first place.

Look at all this cool stuff!

Her next swap–that you should totally join will be at Easter time–so be on the lookout for that!

More later…

5 Replies to “Valentine Swap”

  1. Oh yeah! You did so great! I have the little pink cosmetic bag in my purse. It’s perfect and keeps my 10,000 lipsticks and junk from flying around in my purse all the time.
    I really love that you do this. It’s just exciting to have something to look forward to in the mail.

    We love you!

  2. YAY!!! I think these are SOOO much fun! I love that you and Shannon were partners… you are two of the best bloggers on the planet, so it was just right! 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day!

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